Flash Info | Two KSILA Youth Leaders Denied Bail Again

24 March 2025audio available

Ream Sreypich Rothana and Thy Thorn, both vice-presidents of the Khmer Student Intelligent League Association (KSILA), had an appeal to overturn the extension of their detention denied by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court today. This denial follows an order by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court to extend their detention past six months made in February, as well as a previous ruling by the Supreme Court on 14 January 2025 denying them bail.

Rothana, 23, and Thorn, 24, were arrested in August 2024 and charged with "plotting" as part of a widespread crackdown on over 100 individuals accused of expressing dissent or planning protests in response to the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA) regional cooperation agreement. The agreement was later scrapped by the government.


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