International Human Rights Day 2011: "We all need rights, Decent living wages & justice!"

Published on 9 December 2011; Joint Organizations

More than 52,000 Cambodians - including community groups, trade unionists, land activists, students, farmers, fishermen, musicians,entertainment workers, tuktuk drivers, motorcycle drivers and NGO workers - will gather in their communities on December 10 to celebrate International Human Rights Day (IHRD) this year.

These celebrations are tied together with the common theme "We All Need Rights, Decent Living Wages & Justice!" and a common symbol ‐ the blue Kramar to represent the important role of human rights defenders in Cambodia.

The gatherings will mark the achievements made to advance human rights in Cambodia, but will also focus on critical issues still facing Cambodian citizens, including exploitation of land and natural resources; labor abuses; restrictions to the freedoms of expression, association and assembly, and violations committed against women and children. IHRD is celebrated worldwide every year on December 10 as a reminder of the enduring human rights struggles which continue to affect people around the world. IHRD bears witness to and highlights pervasive human rights abuses and serves as standing call for action against abuses everywhere. IHRD also marks an opportunity for civil society,governments, international organizations and citizens themselves to highlight their efforts in securing recognition and observance of human rights principles.

"Poverty is the worst human rights abuse," said Vorn Pao, President of Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA). "Poverty leads to desperation, desperation leads to fear and fear leads to silence. Without decent living wages, Cambodians will not be free from poverty" Vorn adds.

"In the last year Cambodia has seen increasing restrictions on the rights to speech, assembly, association and other fundamental freedoms," said Dr. Pung Chhiv Kek, President of Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). "These celebrations serve as a reminder that Cambodians are still aware of their fundamental rights and want to continue to exercise them", Dr. Pung adds.

"Cambodia is rich in natural resources and the economy is growing. But there is a problem of distribution and access" says Yeng Virak, Executive Director of Community Legal Education Center
(CLEC). "The elite have taken most of the wealth for themselves. Ordinary Cambodians must be consulted and included in the development of their own country", Yeng adds.

"Increasingly young people are finding that there are no jobs for them in Cambodia." Tim Malay,President of Cambodian Youth Network (CYN). "Many of them look for work abroad, but that option
brings problems of its own. Families are separated, and those who cross borders to find work are at great risk for being trafficked into slave-like conditions" Tim adds.

Friends of December 10this an informal group of human rights defenders working to support and assist local initiatives to celebrate International Human Right Day throughout Cambodia.
Media are invited to attend the December 10th celebrations. Please contact event organizers listed for more information on individual IHRD events in Phnom Penh and all 24 provinces.

PDF: Download full statement in English - Download full statement in Khmer


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