CHRAC Condemns Recent Violent Killings in the Past Week

Published on 23 October 2003; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 17 local NGOs working on human rights issues, is very concerned about the current political situation and the general security situation following the National Election on July 27.

The political and security situations are aggravated by yesterday's violent shooting of Ms. Touch Sunich, a 24 year old singer, who was critically injured and her mother who died instantly along with the killing of Mr. Chuor Chetharith, Editor and Political Analyst of Ta Prom radio station, owned by FUNCINPEC, on Saturday October 18. The death of Mr. Chuor Chetharith resulted in the cancellation of a planned three-party talk set for Monday October 20 with the King on the formation of a new government.

On Sunday October 19, a FUNCINPEC activist named Mrs. Dos Hut was shot dead in Kompot province after an argument with a local police officer who escaped shortly after the killing.

The recent victim, Ms. Touch Sunich, a well known young singer, was shot three times in the head area and the neck near the Inter Continental hotel on Tuesday October 21 at approximately 11:20 AM. Rushing to protect her, the victim's mother was shot dead by two unidentified men wearing military uniforms and driving a C125 Black Honda motorcycle with possible assistance from two other unidentified men wearing civilian clothing driving another motorcycle.

CHRAC strongly condemns all the violent killings which have happened in the past week and appeals to relevant government authorities to thoroughly investigate the killings and to ensure the safety and security of the Cambodian people. CHRAC also urges all elected members of parliament from the three political parties to form a new government in order to ensure the political and economic stability of this country. CHRAC wishes to express its most sincere condolences to all the victims' families and friends.

For more information, please contact:
 Dr. Kek Galabru, Chairperson of CHRAC and President of LICADHO, at 012 802 506
 Mr. Thun Saray, President of ADHOC, at 016 880 509
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun, Executive Director of CDP at 012 901 199

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