Violence erupts during labor demonstrations in Kandal and Kampong Chhnang

Published on 26 August 2004
Military police officers enter the demonstration

On August 25, 2004 LICADHO monitors in Kampong Chhnang province investigated the demonstration of approximately 3,000 workers when violence broke out on the third day of protesting factory labor conditions. Workers from the International Garment Im Ve company (MTV) in Tuol Kralanh Village, Kampong Chhnang commune, district and province have been demonstrating in front of the factory since August 23 with an 18-point list of demands, mostly relating to wages, health, safety, overt-time, and improved working conditions for pregnant employees. It also includes the demand that the company not threaten and intimidate Free Labor Union leadership.

Violence erupted on the third day of protesting, and eight workers were injured by dozens of police and military police using shields, electric batons and fire trucks. One of the police’s fire trucks sustained damage from protestors throwing sticks and rocks.

Three Union leaders, Ms. Mam Nhim, the president of union, and unions staff Mr. Nou Sam Nang and Mr.Chea Bouny, were detained in the police commissary and then later released. Most injuries were deemed not serious and were treated locally. Police commissioner Touch Naroth asked the demonstrators for calm. LICADHO monitors reported that while the workers continued their protest, police and military police ceased suppressing them. The LICADHO medical team remained on call throughout the tense situation.

The protest concluded Sunday August 29, after the representatives from the Ministry of Social and Affairs from Phnom Penh and provincial officials negotiated a compromised between the factory management and the union leader Mam Nhim. The employer has agreed to accept 80 % of their claims and negotiations will continue on the remaining points. On Monday August 30, workers returned to work.

On the same morning of August 25, 2004 more than 200 workers from Yen Yu Ing garment factory located in Kul village, Kantok commune, Angsnoul district, in Kandal province marched from the factory toward to Phnom Penh, led by Chea Mony, leader of the Free Labor Union. Mr. Chea is the brother of slain Free Labor Union leader Chea Vichea, whose murder on January 22 of this year has yet to be solved.

When protestors arrived near Pochintong International Airport, they were met by approximately 300 police and military police with electric batons and shields. Police and military police dispersed the workers, injuring three slightly. One of the injured demonstrators was Larch Sambo, the Free Labor Union factory leader. None of the injuries sustained by demonstrators were serious and were all injuries were treated locally.

The following day, August 26, all the workers returned to the factory as normal, and wait for resolution from the Arbitration Council. Lach Sambo said that eight workers will testify on September 3 in the Kandal court on behalf of the demonstrators. The workers' demands included issues of management, wages, and the factory disallowing workers to organize the Union.

Updated on September 08, 2004


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