LICADHO is on the forefront of defending and promoting human rights in Cambodia. We work to empower and provide material assistance to victims of human rights violations, as well as supporting activists and human rights defenders across the country as they advocate for social change and reforms.

Strong grassroots activism is crucial in Cambodia, and your contribution can play a vital role in protecting human rights in the country.

If you are in Cambodia, you can donate clothing, household items and other materials that can be used by affected communities and people in prison. Please drop off your donations at any of LICADHO’s offices listed on the contact us page, or call us for further queries.

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For monetary donations, you can support LICADHO by contributing to a special fund set up by exclusively for our organization. This allows you to make tax deductible donations easily, and contributors of more than $50 will receive a receipt for tax reporting purposes.

Donate Online

Donations through QR code

If you are in Cambodia, you can also donate directly using our ABA account. Scan the QR code, donate and support communities and our programs in Cambodia.


Prisoners of Interest

Read through the list of politicians, activists and unionists unjustly arrested for their peaceful activism.

Court Watch

Keep track of court cases against human rights defenders, environmental campaigners and political activists.

Right to Relief

An interactive research project focusing on over-indebted land communities struggling with microfinance debt.

Cambodia's Concessions

Use an interactive map to explore Cambodia’s land concessions.