Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights celebrated by human rights groups

Published on 16 December 2004

To commemorate the 56th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 2004, more than 500 local and international NGO workers, UN agency representatives, diplomats and students gathered near Wat Botum Vatei to hear children read the Declaration in Khmer, and listen to addresses by representatives from local NGO coalitions and heads of UN agencies.

The event was organized by the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs working on human rights issues, the Cambodian Committee for Women (CAMBOW), a coalition of 35 local NGOs working on women's issues, with support from the United Nations Cambodia Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCOHCHR), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Office (UNESCO) and other UN agencies.

CHRAC chairperson Dr. Kek Galabru’s addresses and the readings of were followed by a brief march from the staging area at Wat Botum Vatei to the Royal Palace. Participants from NGOs, UN agencies, pagodas, embassies and the general public carried banners declaring specific rights protected by signatories of the Declaration. At the end of the march at 4:00 PM, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni accepted to receive a delegation comprised of 70 people from various participating organizations inside the Royal Palace.

Scheduled to last a mere forty minutes, His Majesty King Sihamoni took a full two hours to receive and personally greet all 70 participants, including ten victims of human rights violations who were selected by various organizations and coalitions. Four people, victims of land grabbing, restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression, domestic violence and child sexual abuse were then allowed to present their stories to His Majesty King Sihamoni in the hope of advocating for change.

His Majesty King Sihamoni personally gave a commemorative medal and gifts to everyone in attendance, and spoke briefly with each person. One other victim in particular engaged at length with the King. Mrs. Thorng Kham, a victim of a brutal acid attack that left her blind in one eye and disfigured for life, shared with His Majesty King Sihamoni her painful and violent story. Later Mrs. Kham said that she thought her life would be meaningless after the acid attack, but meeting with His Majesty King Sihamoni was an opportunity and blessing of a lifetime that brought her great hope for the future.

LICADHO, the victims of human rights in attendance, and all representatives from participating agencies would like to thank His Majesty King Sihamoni for meeting with human rights advocates and victims, highlighting human rights issues within the country, and celebrating the anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights by inviting them to the Royal Palace.


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