Candlelight Party Leader Convicted for Criticising Commune Elections

Published on 7 October 2022
Son Chhay speaks with the media and supporters outside the Phnom Penh Municipal Court after the trial hearing this morning.

Son Chhay, vice president of the opposition Candlelight Party, was convicted of defamation in two cases by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court this afternoon following his public criticism of Cambodia’s June 2022 Commune Elections. He was ordered to pay 3 billion riel (about US$750,000) in compensation to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and two fines totalling 17 million riel (about US$4,250).

The CPP and the NEC filed separate criminal complaints against Chhay in June 2022, alleging that he damaged their reputations after he commented on the fairness of the election results in a media interview. Chhay had claimed that the NEC was controlled by one political party, and that there were irregularities before and during the elections, including intimidation and vote-buying and stealing.

Chhay was charged with defamation under Article 305 of the Criminal Code in August 2022 on the basis of both complaints. Following separate trial hearings, the municipal court announced its judgements related to both complaints this afternoon. Chhay was fined 8 million riel (about US$2,000) and 9 million riel (about US$2,250) in relation to the CPP’s and NEC’s complaints respectively. The judge further announced additional penalties under Article 310 of the Criminal Code, including that the judgements must be posted publicly at Chhay’s residence, his local commune office, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court and all polling stations in Phnom Penh for two months, as well as publicised through the media for eight days at Chhay’s expense.

The Candlelight Party organised and registered more than 20,000 candidates in almost all communes ahead of the 5 June polls. The NEC delisted 150 Candlelight Party candidates in the lead up to the elections. Independent observers, including the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) and Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL), publicly reported findings of irregularities before, during, and after the elections.


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