Judiciary/Rule of Law

Livestream | ”Free the 23” Trial – Day five

22 May 2014

The trial of 23 workers and human rights activists continues today at the Phnom Penh Court. The trial has now reached its fifth day and proceedings are scheduled to start at 8am.

Livestream | ”Free the 23” Trial – Day four

21 May 2014

The trial of 23 workers and human rights activists continues today at the Phnom Penh Court. The trial has now reached its fourth day and proceedings are scheduled to start at 8am.

Livestream | ”Free the 23” Trial – Day three

19 May 2014

Tomorrow morning, the trial of 23 workers and human rights activists will resume at the Phnom Penh Court. The trial has now reached its third day and proceedings are scheduled to start at 8am.

Flash Info | Supreme Court denies bail to 21 rights defenders and workers

9 May 2014

This morning, the Supreme Court announced that it will uphold the decision of the Court of Appeal on February 11, 2014 to deny bail requests for 21 of 23 human rights defenders and workers arrested in early January. None of the 21 defendants were transferred to court for the bail decision.

The Supreme Court provided two reasons for denying bail to the 21: first, the investigation into the cases has already been closed by the investigating judge; and second, the trials are already in progress so defendants should remain in detention to ensure their attendance.

Article 307 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, however, permits defendants to apply for bail release during their trial after investigations have already been closed by the investigating judge.

Livestream | ”Free the 23” Trial – Day two

6 May 2014

The trial of 25 workers and human rights activists resumes today. The first day of the hearings on April 25 came to an abrupt end mid-afternoon when prison guards interrupted proceedings to transport those who had not been released on bail back to CC1 prison. The hearings are scheduled to resume at 8am.

Flash Info | Supreme Court postpones bail decision for remaining 21 of 23 HRDs and workers to May 9

2 May 2014

This morning the Supreme Court announced that it will not decide whether to release on bail 21 of the 23 rights defenders and workers arrested during labor protests in January until 8:00am on May 9.

On May 6, the trials of all 23 men arrested in January, along with two others arrested in November 2013, will resume at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court after judges abruptly delayed proceedings on April 25.

The 21 were previously denied bail by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court on February 11, 2014. Outside the court today, more than 60 monks, land activists, and NGOs gathered to show support. The 21 were not present for the hearing, and remain in CC1 prison.

Livestream | “Free the 23” Trial – Day one

24 April 2014

On 25 April 2014, the trials of the 23 men arrested during the government’s suppression of labor strikes in early January will take place at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. The hearing of two further individuals, who were arrested during violent clashes between garment workers and armed forces on 12 November 2013 will also take place at the Municipal Court.

LICADHO will be livestreaming events as they happen from inside and outside the court.

Flash Info | Remaining “Free the 23” detainees moved to Phnom Penh in preparation for Friday hearing

23 April 2014

Early this morning, the 21 men detained in Kampong Cham province’s CC3 prison since their arrest during January’s widespread strikes were moved to Phnom Penh and will spend the next two nights in CC1 prison. The government’s clampdown left at least four people dead.

The 21, plus two others who were earlier granted bail, will be tried on Friday, April 25, at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court in three separate trials. On the same day, a fourth trial will be held for two men arrested during unrest that followed the SL garment factory strike last November during which one street vendor was killed. One of the two is currently detained in CC1 prison whilst the other was previously released on bail.

LICADHO will be live streaming all four trials on Friday, and coverage will begin tomorrow afternoon.

Flash Info | Court denies rights defenders’ bail request once again

4 April 2014

This morning, Phnom Penh Municipal Court denied two separate bail requests for Vorn Pao and Sokun Sombath Piseth because the CC3 prison authorities had not provided the court with details of their health status, and to preserve public order.

Pao and Piseth are among the 23 workers and rights defenders arrested in early January. As supporters gathered outside the court state security forces again used heavy handed force to disperse them.

Piseth was denied his special medical request for bail release to undergo surgery on his hand. He was severely beaten and had his hand broken by state security forces during arrest. Due to the delay in providing appropriate medical care, his hand requires urgent surgery. Vorn Pao was also refused bail, previously denied at the Court of Appeal on February 11, and on March 24.

Flash Info | Phnom Penh Municipal Court trials for arrested workers and rights defenders

31 March 2014

Today, Phnom Penh Municipal Court announced that on April 4, it will consider the special medical request to temporarily release Sokun Sombath Piseth on bail for five days to undergo surgery on his hand. Piseth who works at the Center for Labor Rights of Cambodia, was arrested in early January along with 22 other workers and rights defenders and has since been detained in CC3 prison. He was severely beaten and had his hand broken by state security forces at the arrest. Due to the delay in providing appropriate medical care, his hand requires urgent surgery.

Vorn Pao, President of Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA); Sokun Sombath Piseth; Theng Savoeun, Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC); Chan Puthisak, community leader from Boeung Kak Lake; and six other workers who were arrested on January 2 will be tried at Phnom Penh Municipal Court at 8.00am on April 18. At the same time, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court will conduct two separate trials for those arrested on January 3. One trial will be held for Chea Sarath, Yon Sok Chea and Bou Sarith, while a third trial will be held for the remaining 10 of the 23 who were arrested in early January.

Two of the 23, Yon Sok Chea and Bou Sarith, were released on bail on February 8. On February 11, the 21 other men were refused bail at the Court of Appeal and remain detained in CC3. The Court of Appeal again refused Vorn Pao bail on March 24.

Report | Human Rights 2013: The Year in Review

24 March 2014

2013 was dominated by one event: the National Assembly elections. Throughout the year, Phnom Penh saw some of its largest demonstrations in decades as Cambodian people took to the streets to demand their rights.

However, as documented by LICADHO in the report ‘Human Rights 2013: The Year in Review’, the elections witnessed an unprecedented level of fraud and left the country in a state of political turmoil; conflict over land and natural resources continued to be a major source of human rights violations throughout the year; strikes and labor issues gave rise to discord, often attracting violent action from the authorities; and human rights defenders remained a target of harassment, threats, unjustified criminal charges and violence.

Flash Info | Appeal Court denies bail release for Vorn Pao

24 March 2014

This afternoon, Vorn Pao, the president of Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA), was refused bail from the Court of Appeal in Phnom Penh as 300 of his supporters gathered outside the courtroom calling for his release.

Pao, who was not present for the hearing, was arrested with 22 other men, including rights defenders and workers, amid the January 2-3 lethal clampdown on the garment worker strikes. He has been detained in CC3 prison since then. Two of the 23, Yon Sok Chea and Bou Sarith, were released on bail on February 8. On February 11, the 21 other men were refused bail at the Phnom Penh Appeal Court and remain detained in CC3.

According to the court, Pao's five million Riel bail was refused on the grounds that there are two charges against him; that the investigation of the case has been closed and it will go to trial; and to ensure that Pao is present at the trial. His trial date has not yet been set.

Article | Year 2013 in Review: Impunity in the Cambodian Courts

20 March 2014audio available

As the swelling protests were met with increased suppression, the judicial system remained true to form. 2013 saw a number of high-profile cases in court, with mixed results.

Article | Year 2013 in Review: Cambodian Elections

18 March 2014audio available

2013 was dominated by one event: the National Assembly elections.

Throughout the year, to shouts of “Change! Change!”, Phnom Penh saw some of its largest demonstrations in decades. Nine days before the elections, which fell on July 28, opposition leader Sam Rainsy returned from France to a crowd of more than 100,000 people and there was a mood of excitement and anticipation as voting day approached.

Flash Info | Kbal Thnal verdict: One man jailed while killing remains un-prosecuted

28 February 2014

This morning, three among the six men arrested at Kbal Thnal during deadly clashes on September 15, 2013, were found guilty of intentional violence and intentional destruction of property. The other three were cleared of the charges. All six men were tried at Phnom Penh Municipal Court on February 17, 2014.

Nguyen Thydoc, who has been held in CC1 since his arrest, was was sentenced to three years in prison with two years suspended. Van Neun and Lach Sameun, who were released on bail on October 22, 2013, were also sentenced to three years with all their remaining sentences suspended. All three men plan to appeal the verdict.

Meanwhile, no one from the armed forces has been prosecuted for ordering the use of live ammunition against unarmed civilians which resulted in the death of a bystander on September 15.

Flash Info |  Kbal Thnal verdict delayed

21 February 2014

The verdict of the Kbal Thnal case, in which six men were arrested following clashes on September 15, 2013, has been delayed to February 28.

The men were arrested when roadblocks led to a clash between armed forces and people trying to return home near Kbal Thnal sky bridge. They were tried at Phnom Penh Municipal Court on February 17. Of the group of six men, four were released on bail on 22 October, one on 22 November and one remains in CC1 prison. All six are accused of intentional violence and intentional damage to property, which carry a combined possible sentence of four to ten years and in prison and fine of 8 million to 20 million Riels. During their trial, none of the men were identified by witnesses and all the police officers who testified denied that their unit had conducted the arrests. According to the presiding judge, the verdict has been delayed due to the complexity of the case.

Flash Info | Appeal Court denies release for rights defenders and workers

11 February 2014

This morning, 21 rights defenders and workers arrested early in January were refused bail by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court. The men, who were not present for the closed hearing, belong to the group of 23 arrested in early January amid a lethal clampdown of garment worker strikes and have been detained in CC3 since then. About 200 of their supporters, including their families, remain outside the court building where they have been peacefully gathered since early morning.

On Saturday, two of the group were released on bail prior to today's hearing.

Flash Info | Two of the 23 now free prior to appeal bail hearing

8 February 2014

This morning, Bou Sarith, 27 years old, and Yon Sok Chea, 17 years old, were released on bail from CC3 prison and Kampong Cham provincial prison respectively. The two belong to the group of 23 workers and rights defenders arrested in early January during the garment worker strike, and have been detained since then.

They are currently at a Kampong Cham pagoda with their families for a blessing before returning to Phnom Penh.

All 23 men workers and rights defenders were initially refused bail at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on January 21. The bail hearing at the Appeal Court for the remaining 21 workers and human rights defenders is still set for February 11.

Flash Info | Two among the 23 to be freed prior to bail hearing

7 February 2014

This morning, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court granted bail to two garment factory workers: Bou Sarith, 27 years old, and Yon Sok Chea, 17 years old. The two belong to the group of 23 workers and rights defenders arrested in early January during the garment worker strike.

Their families and lawyers are currently on their way to CC3 prison and Kampong Cham provincial prison.

All 23 men were refused bail at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on January 21. The bail hearing at the Phnom Penh Appeal Court for the remaining 21 workers and human rights defenders is still set for February 11.

Documents | Submissions to the UN’s Universal Periodic Review for Cambodia

28 January 2014

Today, the United Nations will conduct a Universal Periodical Review (UPR) of Cambodia to look into some of the key human rights issues affecting the country, from systematic attacks against human rights defenders to labour trafficking and obstacles against basic freedoms such as right to assembly and expression. LICADHO, by itself and with partners, has contributed to this process by submitting a number of documents.

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