Flash infos

Flash Info | Grassroots activist Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson deported from Cambodia

23 February 2015

Grassroots activist, Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson from local environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Mother Nature, has been deported from Cambodia on Thai Airways flight TG585, which departed for Bangkok, Thailand, at 8.35 pm this evening. Mr. Gonzalez-Davidson will then board Thai Airways flight TG948 at 00.10 am tonight, bound for Madrid.

The grassroots activist, known for his work in the Areng Valley, Koh Kong province, was arrested and forced into a car near the Phnom Penh night market by government authorities only hours after a warning was issued by Prime Minister Hun Sen during a public speech. More than 100 supporters gathered outside the Department of Immigration where Mr. Gonzalez-Davidson was held since about 2.20 pm this afternoon.

Flash Info | Grassroots activist threatened with deportation arrested in Phnom Penh

23 February 2015

This afternoon, Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson from local environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Mother Nature, was arrested and forced into a car near the Phnom Penh night market by government authorities only hours after a warning was issued by Prime Minister Hun Sen during a public speech. Mr. Gonzalez-Davidson was arrested shortly after 1 pm and driven in a black car, followed by bodyguards, to the Department of Immigration at around 2.20 pm this afternoon.

Mr. Gonzalez-Davidson has been at the forefront of a campaign by Mother Nature to halt the controversial development of a hydroelectric dam in Areng valley, Koh Kong province. He was denied a visa renewal earlier this month, in what has been a sustained attempt by the government to quash grassroots advocacy and silence dissent.

Flash Info | 11 of 'Free the 19' have convictions upheld

26 January 2015

The Court of Appeal has upheld the convictions of two cases concerning 10 wrongfully convicted Beoung Kak Lake (BKL) activists and one Buddhist monk.

In the first case, Tep Vanny’s sentence has been upheld with a reduced fine of $375. Song Srey Leap, Kong Chantha, Phan Chhunreth, Po Chorvy, and Nong Sreng have received reduced sentences of 10 months in prison with a $375 fine. Nget Khun received a reduced sentence of 6 months in prison and a $250 fine.

In the second case, Heng Pich, Im Srey Touch, and Phoung Sopheap all had their convictions upheld with a reduced sentence of 10 months in prison and a fine of $375.Venerable Seung Hai had his conviction and sentence upheld.

Flash Info | 11 of 'Free the 19' have appeal decisions delayed

22 January 2015

This afternoon the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal heard appeals in two cases concerning 10 wrongfully convicted women land rights activists and one Buddhist monk. After hastily conducting the two hearings in just over four hours today, the Court of Appeal will announce a verdict in both cases on January 26, 2015 at 8 a.m

In the first case, Nget Khun, Tep Vanny, Song Srey Leap, Kong Chantha, Phan Chhunreth, Po Chorvy, and Nong Sreng, all long-term Boeung Kak Lake (BKL) activists were convicted of obstructing public traffic on November 11, 2014 and were sentenced to one year in prison and a $500 fine.

In the second case, three more long-term BKL activists, Heng Pich, Im Srey Touch, and Phoung Sopheap, and Buddhist monk Venerable Seung Hai were convicted on November 12, 2014 of aggravated obstruction of public officials and also sentenced to 1 year in prison and fined $500.

Flash Info | Alleged members of Khmer People’s Power Movement (KPPM) sentenced

14 January 2015

This morning, three alleged members of the Khmer People’s Power Movement (KPPM), Serei Bunlong, Seng Sokmeng and Um Phirun, were convicted of offenses stemming from their activities shortly before the July 2013 National Election. Bunlong and Sokmeng were sentenced to six years in prison and fined $1,250 while Phirun was sentenced to 5 years in prison and received the same fine. All three have had their right to vote rescinded indefinitely.

The three were arrested and detained in Banteay Meanchey Province a month before the July 2013 National Election, following the distribution of watches, radios, DVDs, and t-shirts bearing the KPPM logo and calling for people not to vote in unfair elections. They have been convicted under Criminal Law Article 453 that criminalizes plotting an attack liable to endanger the institutions of the Kingdom of Cambodia or violate the integrity of the national territory, and Law on Election of Members of the National Assembly’s Article 124 that criminalizes the use of force or violence to deter eligible voters from voting.

The KPPM is led by Sourn Serey Ratha, who was also convicted today in absentia. Serey Ratha is a controversial figure in Cambodia who has been labeled a terrorist by the government. This accusation has been used to groundlessly arrest and convict - without evidence and often on the basis of demonstrably false comments made by Ratha - critics of the government, such as radio owner Mam Sonando.

Flash Info | Activist Monks denied bail

9 January 2015

Earlier this morning, defrocked monks Venerable Seung Hai, Venerable Khith Vannak, and Venerable Sang Kosal arrived at the Phnom Penh Appeal Court to request bail, as some 70 supporters gathered outside. Venerable Khith Vannak and Venerable Sang Kosal were appealing for bail following the delay of their previous hearing on December 30, 2014, which lasted just 15 minutes.

Within one hour of arriving at the court, all three defrocked monks were denied bail and transported back to Prey Sar’s CC1 prison.

Venerable Khith Vannak and Venerable Sang Kosal were arrested on November 12, 2014, while carrying national and religious flags attached to bamboo flagpoles in support of land activists from Preah Vihear province. They have been charged with participation in a criminal association (Criminal Code article 499) and face up to five years in prison and $2,500 in fines if found guilty.

Flash Info | Hundreds gather at Veng Sreng for commemoration then prevented from marching to Borei Keila

3 January 2015

This morning hundreds of people gathered at the site of last year’s fatal shootings on Veng Sreng Road to remember the dead and missing. Families of the victims and some of those wrongfully imprisoned following the violence spoke to the crowds. Security forces including Brigade 70 and 90 soldiers were visibly patrolling in the area but did not attempt to prevent the gathering.

Supporters then attempted to march to Borei Keila to mark the three-year anniversary of the forced evictions of Borei Keila communities but after marching almost 3km were blocked by over 100 military and riot police who grabbed, shoved and hit some participants. Marchers were allowed to proceed in vehicles only.

Flash Info | Monk activists’ bail appeal decision delayed

30 December 2014

This morning the Phnom Penh Appeal Court heard the appeal against denial of bail for activist monks Venerable Khith Vannak and Venerable Sang Kosal. The hearing which was closed to the public lasted just 15 minutes and a decision on bail will not be announced until January 9 at 8am. Both monks were defrocked following their arrest and are currently held in pre-trial detention in CC1 prison.

The two monks were arrested on November 12, 2014, while carrying national and religious flags attached to bamboo flag poles in support of land activists from Preah Vihear province. They have been charged with participation in a criminal association (Criminal Code article 499) and face up to five years in prison and $2,500 in fines if found guilty.

Following the short hearing more than 100 monks, land activists and rights workers protested in front of the court calling for the two monks to be released.

Flash Info | Bail denied for CNRP detainees on first day of trial, to resume in 2 weeks

25 December 2014

The trial of 11 CNRP leaders and supporters ended abruptly today at 4pm after the judge and prosecutor returned from a five-hour lunch recess. Earlier the judge had announced that the trial would be held over three non-consecutive days. The next hearing will be in two two weeks from now on January 8 at 8am. This morning’s proceedings consisted of arguments for and against bail release for the five detained. Bail was rejected for all five.

During proceedings around 400-500 police and three fire trucks were stationed inside Olympic Stadium near the court near where hundreds of people had gathered in support.

Flash Info | Hundreds gather at Phnom Penh court as another activist monk answers to summons

23 December 2014

Approximately 400 people gathered outside the Phnom Penh Municipal Court this morning in support of Venerable Keo Somaly, an activist monk who was being questioned by the public prosecutor over an altercation with another monk on November 13. The prosecutor’s investigation is ongoing and Venerable Somaly has not yet been charged with any offence. Venerable Somaly was one of the monks who recently led peace marchers in the 2014 International Human Rights Day celebrations.

Flash Info | Security forces block peace marches for International Human Rights Day outside Phnom Penh

9 December 2014

This morning at Kros village, Samrong commune, Prek Phnov district, Phnom Penh, 150 police, military police, and security guards, have blocked 80 peace marchers along National Road 5 from entering the city.

About 30 security guards in Pou Senchey district are also gathering to block marchers entering Phnom Penh between Kombol commune and Kantouk commune, on National Road 4, while security forces have also been mobilizing to block National Roads 1, 2, and 6.

Marchers from all six national roads are planning to reach pagodas in Phnom Penh this afternoon to sleep overnight before marching to the National Assembly to submit petitions on International Human Rights Day.

Flash Info | Peace marches for International Human Rights Day continue across Cambodia for third consecutive day

7 December 2014

Earlier today, peace marchers along National Roads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, continued making their way towards Phnom Penh to mark International Human Rights Day on December 10.

Marchers on National Road 2 yet again faced difficulties accessing a pagoda for an overnight stay. 130 marchers, including 22 monks, were refused entry at Wat Neng Kmao until around 7pm this evening after lengthy negotiations.

On National Road 3, 39 monks and around 20 marchers were refused entry by the chief monk at Wat Prasat Srakeo. After no success in negotiating with the chief monk, the peace marchers continued to Wat Arng Montrey Mey to receive the same message as the previous pagoda. The marchers eventually found an overnight stay at Wat Ang Rong in Takeo province.

Flash Info | Peace marches across Cambodia continue for International Human Rights Day

6 December 2014

This morning, peace marches along National Roads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 continued making their way to Phnom Penh for International Human Rights Day on December 10.

In Takeo, on National Road 2, marchers were allowed to proceed this morning after soldiers and police officers armed with AK-47’s, had previously blocked the march from proceeding under orders of Takeo Provincial Governor Lay Vannak. Many marchers were left with no option but to sleep out in the open for the night.

On National Road 6, 200 marchers and 30 monks from Ratanakiri and Kompong Cham were refused to entry to Wat Skun last night after the district monk for Cheung Prey blocked the gates. Marchers eventually found a place to stay on a plot of land with little shelter 5km down the road.

Flash Info | Monks and civilians on National Road 2 prevented from marching by armed soldiers and police in Takeo

5 December 2014

Over a hundred monks and civilians are being blocked on National Road 2 in Takeo by a group of armed soldiers and police officers on the order of Takeo Provincial Governor Lay Vannak. Authorities have asserted that the group will not be allowed to go ahead with the peace march unless they obtain permission from the Interior Ministry.

Interference began yesterday when authorities locked the gates into Wat Saom, located in Takeo’s Kirivong district. As a result, monks and citizens were left with nowhere sheltered to sleep, having to settle on the land of nearby villagers.

Elsewhere in the country groups have begun the nationwide peace march for International Human Rights Day towards Phnom Penh on National Roads 1,3,4,5,6 and 7.

Flash Info | Nationwide peace march for International Human Rights Day underway in Cambodia

4 December 2014

This morning in Ochum district, Ratanakiri province, over 250 human rights activists, led by monks, launched this year’s nationwide peace march for International Human Rights Day (IHRD) 2014.

Activists and monks gathered in Ochum district at around 7am and are making their way to the provincial capital, Banlung. The march comes after a night of traditional dancing was performed by indigenous communities who also shared stories about land disputes, and other human rights issues, affecting their families.

Currently marchers are resting at Yeak Loum Lake where Venerable Loun Sovath is addressing the crowd as part of a public forum on IHRD.

Flash Info | NGO volunteer detained at protest near National Assembly in Phnom Penh

28 November 2014

At around 8.30am this morning, one volunteer from local NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) and one tuk tuk driver were arrested near the National Assembly before being detained for part of the morning by Chamkarmon district authorities at Wat Toul Tompong. The STT volunteer and tuk tuk driver had been attending a demonstration with over 250 land activists and monks who were calling for the release of recently arrested activists and monks, currently detained at Prey Sar’s CC1 and CC2 prisons. Authorities also confiscated one loudspeaker.

The land activists – from Boeung Kak lake, Borei Keila, Preah Vihear, and Lor Peang – and monks, had gathered in front of the Buddhist Institute before marching towards the National Assembly to submit the petition.

The peaceful protestors were met by over 100 security forces who threatened violence as they blocked off access to the National Assembly while Prime Minister Hun Sen was in attendance.

Flash Info | Crowds gather again at Prey Sar to protest recent arrests in Phnom Penh

23 November 2014

This morning, over 300 people gathered outside Prey Sar prison to protest against recent politically motivated arrests for the second consecutive Sunday in a row.

Civil society organisations, monks, and communities protested outside CC1 and CC2 prisons at Prey Sar while US politician and elected representative for the state of Massachusetts, Morm Rady, addressed the crowd with relatives of those imprisoned.

Following the protests at the prison, the crowd moved to Phnom Penh Municipal Court for further demonstrations.

Flash Info | Over 150 protestors gather to demand release of activists and monks

18 November 2014

This morning some 150 community members and monks gathered in front of the Embassy of the United States in support of Venerable Luon Sovath, while demanding the release of more than a dozen activists and monks who were arrested and imprisoned last week.

Venerable Sovath is submitting letters of invitation to 13 embassies, calling on dignitaries to witness his trial on November 25 at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. He is being tried on alleged charges of incitement.

Additionally, community members and monks are submitting petitions at the same embassies to request the release of more than a dozen activists and monks who are being detained at CC1 and CC2 in Prey Sar Prison. Venerable Sovath and the 150 community members and monks, will march to a total of 13 embassies including Britain, Singapore, Russia, Thailand, China, Australia, Republic of Korea, the European Union, and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Flash Info | Communities call for the release of imprisoned activists at Prey Sar prison

16 November 2014

This morning around 200 monks, NGO representatives and land activists from Borei Keila, Boeung Kak, Thmor Kol and Lor Peang communities gathered outside Prey Sar CC1 and CC2 prisons to call for the release of 17 imprisoned activists. Demonstrators, including relatives of the land activists held speeches and released balloons before marching near the prisons.

Last week ten land activists, three newly-defrocked monks and two CNRP members were arrested and sent to prison for exercising their right to peacefully protest. Eleven of them have already been swiftly tried, convicted and sentenced to one year in prison. Two other CNRP members have been in prison since last month.

Flash Info | 200 gather at National Assembly in Phnom Penh to protest wave of arrests

14 November 2014

This morning approximately 200 people including monks, community representatives, media and NGO staff gathered in front of the National Assembly to call for the release of activists recently arrested.

Earlier in the day protestors in two tuk tuks were temporarily prevented from reaching the site of the gathering.

Since Monday, 15 people including three newly-defrocked monks and two CNRP members have been arrested and sent to prison for exercising their right to peacefully protest.

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