
Statement | Civil Society Condemns Upholding of Conviction of Human Rights Defender Ny Chakrya

15 December 2016audio available

We, the undersigned civil society groups, condemn in the strongest terms the upholding of the unjustified conviction of the former Head of the Human Rights and Monitoring Section of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) and current Deputy Secretary-General of the National Election Committee (NEC), Mr. Ny Chakrya, in a verdict handed down by the Court of Appeal today.

Media Album | Justice 2016: Celebrating International Human Rights Day Across Cambodia

13 December 2016

Over 11,000 people across Cambodia joined together in a series of events to celebrate International Human Rights Day 2016.

Celebrations organised by Friends of December 10 across the country saw thousands speak on issues such as free and fair elections, land rights, a living wage for workers, a free and fair judiciary and an end to attacks on fundamental freedoms.

Flash Info | Celebrating International Human Rights Day Across Cambodia

10 December 2016audio available

Thousands of people gathered today to celebrate International Human Rights Day across Cambodia after a week-long series of celebrations across the country.

In Phnom Penh, groups who had planned to gather outside the Council for the Development of Cambodia were forced from the area by para-police and anti-demonstration police. After attempts to gather elsewhere were met with a similar show of force, the group gathered at Freedom Park, where despite a sustained heavy police presence – with about 300 anti-demonstration police positioned around the park – a diverse group of about 1,000 people from unions, communities, other grassroots groups and NGOs joined to celebrate.

Another 12 celebrations took place this morning in eleven different provinces, encompassing marches and processions and public forums. In Kampot, one planned celebration was shut down by district authorities who claimed the group required permission to hold their event.

Flash Info | International Human Rights Day Event Shut Down by Kampot Authorities

9 December 2016audio available

An International Human Rights Day celebration in Kampot province was shut down this afternoon by provincial authorities, who also threatened to halt a further two events planned for tomorrow.

About 80 community members attempted to gather this afternoon to discuss human rights in a public forum in Svay Ang, in Kampot. A group of local authorities, led by a Chhouk district official, ordered the villagers to halt the forum and dismantle the meeting tent after Kampot’s governor claimed the group required permission to hold their event. Authorities also said that another two celebrations planned for tomorrow in Kampot would not be allowed.

Thousands of Cambodians have gathered and marched to celebrate International Human Rights Day throughout Cambodia over the past week, organised by Friends of December 10th. Celebrations will culminate tomorrow, with 14 events planned in Phnom Penh and various provinces.

Flash Info | Opposition Commune Council Chief Pardoned, Released

8 December 2016audio available

This morning, elected opposition commune council chief Seang Chet was released from prison after yesterday receiving a royal pardon from King Sihamoni. The pardon came 48 hours after his conviction by the Phnom Penh court of first instance and means he will no longer have to serve a five year sentence for ”bribery of a witness” in a politically-motivated case led by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU). He had already spent 228 days in detention.

The release follows an apparent easing of political tensions between the ruling and opposition party leaders after a similar pardon was granted to acting opposition leader Kem Sokha on 2 December after spending over six months at the opposition’s headquarters under defacto house-arrest.

Statement | Thousands Celebrating International Human Rights Day across Cambodia

6 December 2016audio available

From December 2 until December 10, a series of 35 events across Cambodia will see thousands of people in 17 provinces and Phnom Penh celebrate International Human Rights Day 2016.

Events will largely take place in rural Cambodia, where grassroots groups including communities affected by land conflicts, youth networks, associations, and monks as well as unions and NGOs around the country will hold a series of celebrations under the theme of ‘Justice2016’. In Phnom Penh and four of Cambodia’s provincial towns – Siem Reap, Battambang, Sisophon and Sihanoukville – larger events will see groups from surrounding communities coming together to celebrate in solidarity.

Flash Info |  International Human Rights Day Celebrations Begin

4 December 2016audio available

International Human Rights Day celebrations kicked off this weekend with a march in Kampong Chhnang and gatherings in Phnom Penh.

In Kampong Chhnang, about 250 people from Lor Peang, Samrong, Buntheay Meas, Savong and Boeung Kak communities from around the province - which have all been affected by land conflicts - were joined by monks, NGOs and other groups for the five-kilometre march, which ended with a public forum on human rights. In Phnom Penh, about 100 people from Boeung Chhouk and Damnak Trayoeung communities also gathered to celebrate with community-wide forums on human rights, including calling for the release of imprisoned human rights defenders.

The celebrations were among the first in a series of events celebrating IHRD across the country which will take place over the next week.

Statement | Built on Slavery: Debt Bondage and Child Labour in Cambodia’s Brick Factories

2 December 2016audio available

On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, LICADHO publishes its report “Built on Slavery: Debt Bondage and Child Labour in Cambodia’s Brick Factories” which presents evidence of the widespread use of contemporary forms of slavery in Cambodia’s brick manufacturing industry. It finds that despite the existence of comprehensive and long-standing legislation criminalizing the use of debt bondage and prohibiting child labour, competent authorities are making no efforts to eradicate them and are in fact enabling their survival.

Media Album | Built on Slavery: Debt Bondage and Child Labour in Cambodia’s Brick Factories

2 December 2016

To accompany publication of the report “Built on Slavery: Debt Bondage and Child Labour in Cambodia’s Brick Factories” LICADHO is releasing this photo album which shows the different elements of the brick-making process and the living and working conditions of the adults and children who make the bricks.

Flash Info | Detained Human Rights Defenders Denied Bail by Supreme Court

30 November 2016audio available

This morning, ADHOC staffers Lim Mony, Ny Sokha, Nay Vanda and Yi Soksan, and election official Ny Chakrya, were denied bail following a Supreme Court hearing conducted by judge Kim Sothavy last week.

The five human rights defenders were imprisoned under spurious bribery charges on 2 May amid national and international outcry. If convicted, they could be sentenced to between five and ten years’ imprisonment.

Today's judgment follows an Appeal Court decision earlier this week to throw out an appeal lodged by the five against a decision by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court to extend their pre-trial detention for a further six months beyond the six-month limit stipulated under Cambodian law. They have now been imprisoned for almost eight months.

Briefing | Getting Away With It

28 November 2016audio available

A year ago, to mark the 2015 16 Days Against Gender Based Violence campaign, LICADHO published a report Getting Away With It: The Treatment of Rape in Cambodia’s Justice System. The report was based on cases investigated by LICADHO in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and found that there were grave and systemic flaws in how rape cases are prosecuted in Cambodia and as a result, a disturbingly low number of convictions. There were several reasons for this: the extensive use of financial compensation to settle cases, widespread corruption amongst the police and the judiciary, poor understanding and application of the law by judges, and the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes towards women.

Statement | Civil Society Deeply Concerned by Actions Taken to Disrupt, Prevent and Halt Voter Registration Campaigns During Water Festival

25 November 2016audio available

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, are outraged by actions taken by authorities to disrupt, prevent and halt voter registration education and dissemination activities undertaken by youth volunteers in Phnom Penh and the provinces during Water Festival, an annual Cambodian celebration (13, 14, 15 November 2016). Over 60 youth volunteers, including from PEP-Center, YRDP, KYSD, NICFEC, CPWP and SEPY, faced numerous challenges during the three days’ activities.

Flash Info | Opposition Senator Convicted, Sentenced to Seven Years for Facebook Video

7 November 2016audio available

This afternoon, marking his 450th day in jail, Phnom Penh Municipal Court convicted opposition senator Hong Sok Hour of forgery and incitement charges, handing down a seven-year prison sentence.

In August 2015, Hong Sok Hour was charged with forgery of public documents, use of forged public documents, and incitement to commit a crime after posting a video containing images of an altered version of a reproduction of the 1979 treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam on Facebook. During his trial, which began in October 2015 and resumed just two weeks ago after more than a year's postponement, Hong Sok Hour’s defence lawyers were prevented from publicly presenting exculpatory evidence by trial judge Ros Piseth. He has now been detained in CC1 prison since his arrest in August 2015 by special forces on the orders of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Exiled opposition president Sam Rainsy has also been charged as an accomplice in the same case, but not brought to trial.

Flash Info | Appeal and Supreme Courts Simultaneously Rule Against Deputy Opposition Leader

4 November 2016audio available

This morning, the Appeal Court upheld CNRP deputy leader Kem Sokha's conviction for refusing to appear as a witness after rejecting all arguments put forward by defence lawyers.

Appeal Court judge Seng Sivutha also upheld the five months prison sentence and 800,000 riel (about $200) fine handed down by the Municipal Court following Kem Sokha's trial in September. The deputy opposition leader now has one more opportunity to appeal his conviction at the Supreme Court; if the conviction is upheld there, his sentence can be enforced.

In a simultaneous hearing this morning, the Supreme Court ruled against a motion which challenged the Phnom Penh Municipal Court investigating judge's initial decision to bring Kem Sokha to trial. The challenge was brought on the grounds of his parliamentary immunity.

Document | Joint Open Letter: Seeking Clarification Regarding Sand Exports

31 October 2016

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, write to His Excellency Mr. Suy Sem, the Minister of Mines and Energy, to request clarification regarding sand exported overseas by Cambodia from 2007 to 2015. A Ministry spokesman has been quoted as saying that Cambodia’s global sand exports amounted to just over 17 million tons between 2007 and 2015. However, the only official export data issued to date by the Cambodian government in relation to sand exports, from the Ministry of Commerce, only discloses sand exports to Singapore for the same period, totaling about 2.8 million tons. The Cambodian government is yet to explain to which other countries it is exporting sand to, or at what price this sand is being sold for.

Media Album | Dr. Kem Ley's 100 Day Funeral Procession

17 October 2016

On Sunday, 16 October, thousands of people joined a 90-kilometre funeral procession, from Phnom Penh to Takeo, to mark 100 days since the assassination of political analyst Dr. Kem Ley. He was shot dead in a busy Caltex petrol station cafe in central Phnom Penh on 10 July 2016. Over the past three months since he was murdered, there has still been no independent and credible investigation into his murder.

The procession started from Wat Chas, a pagoda in Phnom Penh, where over the previous two days thousands of people had travelled to pay respect.

Statement | World Habitat Day Marred by Brutal Beatings of Human Rights Defenders

10 October 2016audio available

We, the undersigned civil society groups, are outraged by this morning’s unjustified use of violence by district para-police officers during a march to peacefully celebrate World Habitat Day, and we strongly condemn this reprehensible attack.

Flash Info | Opposition MP Convicted, Sentenced on Incitement Charges

10 October 2016audio available

This afternoon, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court sentenced opposition CNRP MP Um Sam An to two years and six months’ imprisonment with a four million riel ($1,000) fine after convicting him of incitement to commit a felony and incitement to commit discrimination under Articles 495 and 496 of the Cambodian Criminal Code.

During the trial hearing, Um Sam An and his lawyers made repeated complaints that the trial amounted to a violation of his constitutional rights to parliamentary immunity and freedom of expression before leaving the court in protest. Trial judge Heng Sokna completed the hearing in their absence.

The case relates to online expression and Facebook posts made by Um Sam An over one year ago in relation to the ongoing political dispute between the ruling party and the opposition over Cambodia’s border with Vietnam. The authorities interpreted the continued existence of the Facebook posts one year later as evidence of a “flagrant offence” – bypassing Um Sam An’s parliamentary immunity.

Statement | Civil Society Condemns Conviction of Human Rights Defender Ny Chakrya

22 September 2016audio available

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, condemn in the strongest terms today’s unjustified conviction of former Head of the Human Rights and Monitoring Section of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association ADHOC) and deputy secretary-general of the National Election Committee (NEC), Mr. Ny Chakrya, by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. After a four and a half hour trial, Judge Khy Chhay deliberated for a mere 15 minutes before deciding to convict Mr. Ny Chakrya on charges of defamation, malicious denunciation, and publication of commentaries intended to unlawfully coerce judicial authorities, under Articles 305, 311 and 522 respectively of the Cambodian Criminal Code. Mr. Ny Chakrya was sentenced to six months in prison and given a fine of six million Riel (approximately $1,500).

Flash Info | Land activists convicted, sentenced for 2011 protest

19 September 2016audio available

This morning, Boeung Kak Lake representatives Tep Vanny, Bo Chhorvy, Kong Chantha and Heng Mom were found guilty of obstruction of a public official with aggravating circumstances and insult relating to a November 2011 protest.

Judge Ly Sokleng sentenced all four women to six months' imprisonment after a three-hour hearing at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. Tep Vanny was sent back to pre-trial detention in CC2 prison – where she has now been for nearly five weeks – for separate charges relating to a protest held by Boeung Kak Lake community in 2013 in front of the Prime Minister's house. No special enforcement order was issued so Bo Chhorvy and Kong Chantha – as well as Heng Mom, who was tried in absentia – were not arrested as their sentence will not be enforced until all appeals are exhausted. None of the evidence presented at the trial sufficiently proved the guilt of the four women.

About 30 community members and supporters from other land communities and civil society groups gathered outside the court during the trial.

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