
Video | On Stony Ground: The Struggle to Survive in a Cambodian Social Land Concession

24 June 2015audio available

In March 2003, the Cambodian government unveiled a potentially progressive land policy with the aim of transferring land to landless and poor Cambodians – Social Land Concessions (SLCs). LICADHO recently investigated a $13 million SLC project, called LASED, that was implemented by the Cambodian government with support from the World Bank and the German development agency GIZ. In direct contrast with the rosy conclusions reported by both agencies, LICADHO found that the project largely failed to benefit rural poor Cambodians.

Report | On Stony Ground: A Look into Social Land Concessions

24 June 2015

In March 2003, the Cambodian government unveiled a potentially progressive policy with the aim of transferring land to landless and poor Cambodians – Social Land Concessions (SLCs). However, some of the first SLCs were implemented with a total disregard for the legal framework and failed miserably.

LICADHO recently investigated the Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development (LASED) project which was meant to prove that SLCs could contribute to reducing rural poverty by transferring land to landless Cambodians for residential and farming purposes.

Flash Info | Hundreds gather to protest repressive draft laws at Cambodia's National Assembly

23 June 2015

At 8:30 am today, hundreds of civil society members gathered peacefully in front of the National Assembly, before marching to call for the withdrawal of the draft Law on Associations & Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) and protest against the draft Trade Union Law (TUL). The protestors comprised around 250 youths, farmers, land-activists, NGOs, media, monks and citizens.

Protestors held banners saying “We will not vote for a party that passes LANGO” and “Say NO to Union, Association & NGO laws”, shouted anti-LANGO slogans, and sang songs. The National Assembly Permanent Standing Committee is expected to meet today to decide which National Assembly Commission will review LANGO.

Memo | New Draft Law on Associations and NGOs Reaffirms Culture of Control

17 June 2015

The draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) obtained in June 2015 will establish mandatory registration for all domestic and international associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), criminalizing all activities by unregistered membership organizations. The requirement to register appears all encompassing and could be interpreted to apply to all organizations from grassroots groups and community based organisations up to major international organizations. Mandatory registration could have a particularly severe impact on the freedom of association of grassroots groups and community based organizations.

This memo is a specific breakdown of the key provisions within the approved draft law that have worsened since the December 2011 draft, and the potential impacts on groups operating in Cambodia.

Article | World Day Against Child Labour: The Plight of Child Labourers in Cambodian Brick Factories

12 June 2015audio available

To commemorate June 12 World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) 2015, LICADHO is publishing personal testimonies of five children and one adult who work in Cambodian brick factories.

These testimonies provide a glimpse into brick factory child labour, which is considered to be one of the worst forms of child labour, and demonstrate the negative effects of brick factory child labour on children.

Going Offline? The Threat to Cambodia’s Newfound Internet Freedoms

11 June 2015audio available

This audio book titled “Going Offline? The Threat to Cambodia’s Newfound Internet Freedoms” describes the vital importance of the Internet for freedom of expression in Cambodia and the imminent threat that this last bastion for independent voices now faces.

Video | The Bird of First June

1 June 2015audio available

In the lead-up to June 1st, International Children’s Day, LICADHO is releasing a music video, “The Bird of First June,” advocating respect for the four baskets of children’s rights, as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC): the right to survival, the right to protection, the right to development, and the right to participation. The video was conceptualized by youth Child Protection Group members in Phnom Penh, and the song was sung over a popular local soundtrack. The youth were inspired to make the video to raise awareness amongst children of their basic rights, and to encourage adults to take care of children.

Statement | LICADHO Urges Government to Support Child Rights and to Protect Youth in Prisons

31 May 2015audio available

LICADHO’s Children’s Rights Office (CRO), in partnership with the Child Protection Group (CPG) network, will celebrate International Children’s Day 2015 in several locations. On 28 May, early celebrations took place in Dangkor Middle School, Phnom Penh. On 1 June, the official date of International Children’s Day, celebrations will take place in the morning (8:30am-11:00am) at Sangkat Norkor Thom, Siem Reap, Sal Mohorsrop Theater, Koh Kong, and at Build Bright University in Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk. At these locations, the CRO and CPGs will organize public forums and interactive theatre performances concerning child rights, and help distribute social assistance packages to the families of vulnerable children and youth. Approximately 2,350 people are expected to attend the celebrations.

Report | Mothers Behind Bars: The Impact of Detention on Women and their Children

26 May 2015

Today, LICADHO releases its report “Mothers Behind Bars: The Impact of Detention on Women and their Children” which seeks to raise awareness of the harmful, and sometimes devastating, impact a mother’s imprisonment can have on her children.

The report finds that authorities, in particular judges and prosecutors, can dramatically improve the lives of many children by properly complying with existing legal procedures to reduce the number of mothers who are detained unnecessarily.

Flash Info | Siem Reap communities come together to seek solution to land disputes

22 May 2015

This morning, around 700 members of communities affected by land disputes gathered in Siem Reap town to march and submit a petition to the provincial governor. Around 100 police and military police prevented the group from marching, citing the possibility of traffic disruption and also stating that the governor was not in the office. This afternoon 17 community representatives were allowed to meet with the governor whilst the other community members waited outside.

The petition listed ten land cases from seven districts within the province and gave details of the number of affected families and the location of the disputed land. It also named the parties with whom the communities are in dispute, including the Apsara Authority, private companies and members of the military.

Report | Going Offline? The Threat to Cambodia’s Newfound Internet Freedoms

17 May 2015

On World Information Society Day, LICADHO releases its report “Going Offline? The Threat to Cambodia’s Newfound Internet Freedoms,” describing the vital importance of the Internet for freedom of expression in Cambodia and the imminent threat that this last bastion for independent voices now faces.

Statement | Cambodia: Withdraw Proposed Association Law and Make Legislative Drafting Process Transparent

11 May 2015audio available

The Cambodian government must withdraw the proposed Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO) and make the legislative drafting process in the country transparent, FIDH and its member organizations, the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) and the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), said today.

Media Album | Peaceful 2015 International Labour Day Celebrations in Phnom Penh

5 May 2015

On the morning of May 1, 2015, in celebration of International Labour Day, marches and rallies were held at three sites around Phnom Penh to request a living wage of $177, greater respect for workers’ rights and freedom of expression, and for the government to drop draft legislation on unions, associations and non governmental organizations (NGOs).

Flash Info | Peaceful Workers’ Day rallies take place in Phnom Penh

1 May 2015

This morning, in celebration of International Workers’ Day, marches and rallies were held at three sites around Phnom Penh. One group of around 500, representing amongst others, garment workers, farmers, and informal sector workers marched and rode in tuk-tuks from the Olympic Stadium to the Ministry of Labour where they delivered a statement calling for greater respect for workers’ rights. As they marched, they carried posters calling for draft legislation on unions and NGOs and associations to be dropped. The group was joined by some of the Boeung Kak activists recently released from prison. The march took place despite Phnom Penh city hall denying permission.

Another group of around 1,000 workers gathered at the National Assembly. The group listened to speeches and made several demands including for an increase in the minimum wage to $177. At Freedom Park another group of over 500 workers held a rally and listened to speeches on worker conditions, the minimum wage and freedom of expression.

Statement | Cambodia Should Register, Not Return, Vietnamese Asylum Seekers

1 May 2015audio available

Cambodia’s refusal to allow asylum seekers from Vietnam to register and seek refugee status demonstrates a dismal failing to abide by international refugee law, LICADHO and Human Rights Watch said today. In the last four months, Cambodia has forcibly deported 54 Vietnamese asylum seekers, and appears poised to deport 40 more.

Flash Info | Last of the "Free the 19" detainees, Ly Seav Minh, granted bail by Supreme Court

24 April 2015

Ly Seav Minh was released on bail this morning following a decision by the Supreme Court. She spent more than five months in pre-trial detention at Prey Sar’s CC2 prison after she was arrested on November 18, 2014. She is charged with violence against the possessor of immoveable property and a potential two years in prison and $6,250 in fines.

She and her family are involved in a long-running land dispute with the municipality and well-connected tycoon Khun Sear, to which the municipality sold their land in 2010.

Ly Seav Minh is the last of the Free the 19 activists to be released from Prey Sar’s CC1 and CC2 prisons.

Flash Info | Five CNRP and three defrocked monks released following political negotiations

13 April 2015

This afternoon, eight more of the Free the 19 activists were released from detention in Prey Sar’s CC1 prison.

Three defrocked monks – Venerable Seung Hai, Venerable Khith Vannak, and Venerable Sang Kosal – and five CNRP members and supporters – Meach Sovannara, Sum Puthy, Tep Narin, Ke Khim, and Ouk Pich Samnang – were released on bail. All eight were arrested between September and November last year and face a variety of charges. The cases against all those released remain open.

The five CNRP members and supporters will be required to post bail by April 20. Meach Sovannara bail was set at 10 million riel while Sum Puthy, Tep Narin, Ke Khim, and Ouk Pich Samnang have been requested to post 3 million riel each.

Flash Info | 10 Boeung Kak Lake activists freed following royal pardon, more releases expected

11 April 2015

Shortly before 4 pm, 10 Boeung Kak Lake activists who were imprisoned in November 2014 were freed following a royal pardon from King Sihamoni. The release was part of the latest political deal between the ruling and opposition party leaders on Thursday.

Additional releases of opposition activists and monks are expected this coming Monday, April 13, 2015.

Statement | LICADHO Opens up its Land Concessions Data, Urges Full Transparency from the Government

30 March 2015audio available

The Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) is today releasing to the public its land concession dataset and urges the government to follow suit by publicly disclosing details of all land concessions granted in Cambodia. The information released is the culmination of five years of investigation into this sector.

Flash Info | Trial of 11 CNRP to continue on April 20

27 March 2015

The trial of 11 members, officials, and supporters of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court has concluded for the day.

The court denied another bail request for both Ouch Pich Samnang and Tep Narin, while concluding testimony of Ouern Narith and beginning testimony of Khin Chamreun. All defendants will reappear before the Phnom Penh Municipal Court at 8 am on April 20.

CNRP national election candidate for Banteay Meanchey and online radio owner, Meach Sovannara, Official of Public Affairs Department, Ouern Narith, and Chief of Phnom Penh Youths, Khin Chamreun, have all been charged with participating in and leading an insurrectionary movement (Criminal Code articles 456, 457, and 459). CNRP Chbar Ampov council member Sum Puthy, Chbar Ampov district youth leader, Neang Sokhun, Tuol Kork district youth leader San Kimheng, youth members Tep Narin, San Seihak, and An Batham, along with CNRP supporters, Ouk Pich Samnang and Ke Khim, have all been charged with participating in an insurrectionary movement (Criminal Code articles 456 and 457).

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