
Flash Info | CNRP official and online radio owner, Meach Sovannara, arrested

11 November 2014

CNRP official Meach Sovannara was arrested by authorities this morning in Phnom Penh in relation to the violence that occurred at Freedom Park on July 15 this year. He is presently detained at Phnom Penh High Crime Police Station.

Sovannara was previously summonsed by Investigating Judge Keo Mony to Phnom Penh Municipal Court on September 1 over the Freedom Park violence. However, Sovannara was abroad at the time and could not appear before the court.

In total, 14 CNRP officials and activists have been arrested over the violence at Freedom Park on July 15.

Flash Info | Boeung Kak Lake detainees appear before Phnom Penh Court

11 November 2014

Seven representatives from Boeung Kak Lake community, who were arrested and detained yesterday after protesting outside city hall, appeared before Prosecutor Mr. Seang Sok at Phnom Penh Court of the First Instance this morning.

The seven women all appeared before the court, after authorities accused them yesterday of obstructing public traffic (Article 78 of the Traffic Law) and insulting public officials (Article 502 of the Penal Code). 50 supporters gathered outside the court in support.

Areas near the site of the former lake have been flooded for a number of days due to alleged deliberate drainage problems under the control of city hall authorities.

Flash Info | Boeung Kak Lake representatives arrested

10 November 2014

This morning at around 9:30am, seven female representatives from Boeung Kak Lake community were arrested as they protested outside city hall against defective water drainage facilities in the city.

Areas near the site of the former lake have been flooded for the past three days due to alleged deliberate drainage problems under the control of city hall authorities.

Those detained are Nget Khun, Tep Vanny, Song Sreyleap, Kong Chantha, Phan Chunreth, who were all previously arrested and convicted in 2012 for peaceful activism. Two other community representatives, Po Chorvy and Nong Sreng, were also arrested.

Flash Info | Protestors gather to mark 23rd anniversary of Paris Peace Agreements

23 October 2014

This morning over 1,000 peaceful protestors and monks gathered in Phnom Penh to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements.

In recognition of France’s role as host and co-president of the peace talks, the protesters began the morning with a forum outside the French embassy during which they asked signatories of the treaty for support. The protesters marched to the embassies of the USA and UK to deliver petitions as a reminder of the Paris Peace Agreements, criticizing Cambodian elections and on-going land disputes in Cambodia, calling for the establishment of a committee to investigate and review the implementation of the Paris Peace Agreements.

The protesters continued to the Australian and Russian embassies before making their way to the National Assembly. This afternoon the march will proceed to the UN offices, Japanese, Indonesian and Chinese embassies.

Video | Yet Another Violent Dispersal of Land Protesters near the Prime Minister's Home

21 October 2014audio available

On October 20, 2014, security guards in Phnom Penh were once again captured senselessly beating peaceful land protesters. About 80 villagers from Preah Vihear province had come to Phnom Penh to ask for assistance from national institutions, to help resolve their land dispute which has affected over 200 families. However, shortly after noon, the villagers were violently dispersed by the guards while military police and police officers stood by near the Prime Minister's home.

The violence left a total of 18 people injured. Several of them, including an 18 year-old boy, suffered head wounds.

Flash Info | 17 injured following violent dispersal of protestors near Prime Minister's home

20 October 2014

Following the violent dispersal of protestors nearby Prime Minister Hun Sen’s home earlier today, LICADHO is now treating 17 patients. At least 4 of them (one woman and three men) have moderate injuries from beatings sustained by security guards. One of the injured is an 18 year old boy who was beaten on the head. He is currently being observed and may be admitted to hospital later.

The protestors from Kantuot commune, Choan Ksan district, Preah Vihear province, included men, women, and young children who were protesting in Phnom Penh to request assistance in ongoing land conflicts that have affected over 200 families.

They intended to march to the Chinese, Russian, and Australian embassies, before submitting a petition to the home of Prime Minister Hun Sen. However, the protestors were blocked on their way to the Prime Minister’s house, where they were severely beaten.

Flash Info | Yet another violent dispersal of land protesters near Prime Minister's home

20 October 2014

Earlier this morning, four people were injured after security guards at Independence Monument beat protestors from Kantuot commune, Choan Ksan district, Preah Vihear province, while military police stood by.

The group of protestors included men, women, and young children. They had come to Phnom Penh to request assistance in ongoing land conflicts that have affected over 200 families.

They intended to march to the Chinese, Russian, and Australian embassies, before submitting a petition to the home of Prime Minister Hun Sen. However, the protestors were blocked on their way to the Prime Minister’s house at Wat Botum, where they were severely beaten.

Statement | Oddar Meanchey Authorities’ Continued Illegal Conduct Towards Equitable Cambodia’s Staff

16 October 2014audio available

We, the undersigned civil society groups, condemn the actions of the Oddar Meanchey authorities who have, since September 2014, been engaged in the obstruction, harassment, intimidation, and assault of rights workers. Most recently, a four-person team from Equitable Cambodia (“EC”) was in the province to conduct field research on the impacts of forced evictions resulting from economic land concessions granted for the development of sugarcane plantations. The plantations are owned by the Mitr Phol Group, one of Coca-Cola’s top three global suppliers. Research data collected will be provided to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (“NHRCT”), which is investigating Mitr Phol’s operations in Cambodia.

Flash Info | Garment workers march in Phnom Penh for increase in minimum wage

12 October 2014

This morning around 1000 garment workers from six unions – CUMW, NIFTUC, WFUF, NTUC, TUFW & IDYTU – gathered at Freedom Park to call for an increase in the minimum wage. Despite warnings from government authorities not to leave the Freedom Park area, the protestors peacefully marched to the National Assembly, US and EU embassies, to submit petitions.

Around 50 riot police stood by at Wat Phnom as the protestors marched, while a large group of military police and riot police were present in front of the EU embassy.

Today's protest takes place in addition to last month’s launch of a labor campaign calling for the minimum wage to be increased to $177.

Flash Info | Rights worker beaten by Oddar Meanchey police while documenting land dispute

11 October 2014

This afternoon, police in Oddar Meanchey beat a staff member from Equitable Cambodia after they refused to allow officers to search their car without a warrant and gain access to a camera.

Police stopped the car as it was transporting villagers back to their community, following interviews with Equitable Cambodia staff at an office belonging to ADHOC.

Following the illegal search and beating of the staff, police confiscated the car and deleted a number of photos from the camera. The staff from Equitable Cambodia are now in Oddar Meanchey Provincial Police Station negotiating with police but are not currently detained.

Flash Info | 250 villagers march over long running land dispute with Koh Kong Sugar

9 October 2014

This morning 250 villagers from three villages, Trapaing Kandorl, Chi Khor, and Chhouk, marched to deliver a petition to Chi Kha Leu commune hall and Sre Ambel district office to petition authorities over a long running land dispute regarding an overlapping economic land concession, that involved Oknha Ly Yong Phat and is used to produce sugar for Thai sugar-manufacturer, Khon Kaen Sugar (KSL).

The district governor and commune leader for Chi Kha Leu received their petitions after which the villagers then marched to Koh Kong Sugar, where a representative for the company accepted their petition as well.

The villagers plan to deliver another petition to the provincial hall if there is no resolution between district authorities and Koh Kong Sugar following today's activities.

Video | Borei Keila Evictees: Justice Overdue

6 October 2014audio available

Today as communities all over the world stand in solidarity for World Habitat Day, some 600 community members gathered at the National Assembly to demand 'development for all' and an end to forced evictions across Cambodia. This video highlights the ongoing land dispute between the Borei Keila community in Phnom Penh and local development company, Phanimex.

Flash Info | CNRP elected district council member is twelfth party official to be arrested over Freedom Park violence

29 September 2014

Earlier today, CNRP Chbar Ampov elected district council member Sum Puthy was arrested in relation to the violence that took place on July 15 at Freedom Park. He was last seen this morning by his wife after going to the local market. Photos have emerged through government media sources, placing Puthy at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. He is to be sent to CC1 at Prey Sar Prison for pre-trial detention.

Sum Puthy is the twelfth CNRP official arrested in relation to the Freedom Park violence.

Briefing Paper | Legal Analysis of Cambodia's Draft Law on Unions of Enterprises

18 September 2014

Today, CLEC and LICADHO release a legal analysis of the latest draft of the Law on Unions of Enterprises (Trade Union Law) obtained at the end of May, this year. As unions yesterday began a nationwide campaign for a $177 per month minimum wage, the draft Trade Union Law underlines the government’s intent to interfere with and infringe upon union formation and activities.

Media Album | Workers Kickstart $177 Minimum Wage Campaign Under Watchful Gaze of Military

17 September 2014

At approximately 11am, labour unions in and around Phnom Penh launched the $177 minimum wage campaign in front of garment factories as workers were going on their lunch break. In the Canadia Industrial Park alone, over a thousand workers gathered next to factories to demand a humane minimum wage. Military soldiers were stationed along Veng Sreng road and inside Canadia Industrial Park to intimidate workers.

Flash Info | Two union members detained, soldiers mobilized hours before launch of union's $177 wage campaign

17 September 2014

This morning, soldiers from military brigades 70 and 99, as well as an artillery unit, have been stationed along Veng Sreng road and inside Canadia Industrial Park ahead of this morning’s planned union events to launch the $177 minimum wage campaign.

Military helicopters have also been spotted flying over the factories on Veng Sreng road.

Earlier this morning CCAWDU federation members, Sot Seap and Kun Sokom, were arrested by police in front of the Kamchay Mea factory in Smorng Kangcheung commune, Kamchay Mea district, Prey Veng province. They were released shortly after midday having spent several hours in custody.

Flash Info | Last Kbal Thnal detainee released, killing still remains un-prosecuted

16 September 2014

Shortly before 11am, the last remaining detainee, convicted in relation to the deadly clashes on the night of September 15, 2013, Nguyen Thydoc, was released from CC1. Thydoc was sentenced to three years in prison with two years suspended by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on February 28, 2014.

Meanwhile, no one from the armed forces has been prosecuted for ordering the use of live ammunition against unarmed civilians which resulted in the death of a bystander on September 15, 2013.

Statement | Civil Society Groups Condemn the Groundless Detention of Equitable Cambodia Staff

12 September 2014audio available

We the undersigned condemn the continued intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders in Cambodia. We call upon the competent authorities to investigate those responsible for ordering the groundless detention of Equitable Cambodia Staff Meg Fukuzawa and Lida Sok.

Statement | Rights groups call for an end to enforced disappearances in ASEAN

30 August 2014audio available

Today, on the occasion of International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, we, the undersigned organizations, urge ASEAN member states to end acts of enforced disappearances in Southeast Asia.

Cases of enforced disappearances continue to occur in the region. Victims include human rights defenders as well as ordinary citizens. Enforced disappearances also continue to target vulnerable groups, such as children. Three new cases of enforced disappearance that took place over the past year clearly illustrate this worrying pattern.

Flash Info | Five Lor Peang villagers provisionally released prior to trial

29 August 2014

Today at around 4pm, five Lor Peang community members who were arrested and detained in the last month have been provisionally released by the Investigating Judge of Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court. Three of the villagers were arrested during a 60km-long peaceful march from Kampong Chhnang province to Phnom Penh. The march was undertaken to call for a resolution to a long-standing land dispute between the villagers and K.D.C Company, while also calling for the release of two community members, arrested weeks earlier.

All five members have been released under judicial supervision with three conditions: 1. That they appear before the court when summonsed; 2. That they do not change residence without informing the court; and 3. That they present themselves to their local police station every month.

The release follows repeated attempts by the Lor Peang community to submit petitions to various government institutions over their conflict with K.D.C Company.

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