
Flash Info | Four activists from Boeung Kak Lake Community arrested

29 August 2014

This morning at around 9.20am, four community activists from Boeung Kak Lake Community were arrested at Wat Chas, Chroy Chang Va district. The activists had arrived to support rural land communities from Pailin, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang and Svay Rieng, who were preparing a march to petition the National Assembly and Prime Minister Hun Sen this morning. The four activists arrested were Song Sreyleap, Tep Vanny, Kek Chanrasmey and Kong Chantha. They were detained at Chroy Chang Va district office before being released before noon, with one of the arrested requiring medical attention at Calmette Hospital. Following the arrests of the four activists, authorities locked the communities inside the grounds of Wat Chas.

Flash Info | Three land activists detained outside Council of Ministers

22 August 2014

This morning approximately 100 land activists from Borei Keila, Lor Peang and Boeung Kak Lake communities marched to the Council of Ministers to submit petitions for the resolution of their respective land disputes.

Their peaceful assembly was disrupted by riot police and 7 Makara district security guards, who temporarily detained three activists amid an unsuccessful push to disperse people.

This morning, Prime Minister Hun Sen plans to meet at the Council of Ministers with a number of top officials to discuss unresolved land disputes across the country.

Flash Info | Three CNRP youth leaders released on bail

22 August 2014

At 9.30am this morning, the three CNRP youth leaders arrested and imprisoned at CC1 on August 2 were released on bail for a total deposit amount of $1,000. Khin Chamreun, San Kimheng and Neang Sokhun will be granted provisional release under judicial supervision. Lawyers are processing court papers to release them this evening.

Chamreun was originally named in the court documents filed by case prosecutor Keo Socheat on July 16 in which he was formally accused, along with the other eight CNRP officials, of inciting and instigating violence, and leading an insurrectional movement. Kimheng and Sokhun are accused of acts of violence, obstructing public officials and taking part in an insurrectional movement.

An additional summons is still standing for five other CNRP members who are scheduled to appear for questioning before Phnom Penh Municipal Court in the coming weeks.

Statement | Response to Phnom Penh Sugar Company’s Allegations Against Equitable Cambodia Executive Director Eang Vuthy

21 August 2014audio available

On August 18, 2014, the Phnom Penh Sugar Co. Ltd., took out advertisements in several major Cambodian newspapers accusing Equitable Cambodia’s Executive Director, Mr. Eang Vuthy, of making false and misleading statements about Oknha Ly Yong Phat, and causing “irreparable damage” to the Senator’s reputation as well as that of his business, Phnom Penh Sugar.

While the Senator may currently have no involvement in the management or ownership of Khon Kaen Sugar Company’s in Koh Kong province or Mitr Pohl Sugar Company’s in Oddar Meanchey province, there is strong evidence that Ly Yong Phat was involved with each of these companies and with the forcible eviction of thousands of villagers.

Statement | LICADHO Calls for Immediate Family Access to all Three CNRP Youth Leaders Currently Detained in Prey Sar’s CC1 Prison

20 August 2014audio available

LICADHO calls for immediate family access to all three CNRP youth leaders currently detained in Prey Sar’s CC1 prison. Khin Chamreun, Neang Sokhun and San Kimheng have now been in pre-trial detention for 18 days and have not been permitted any family visits.

Media Album | International Youth Day 2014

12 August 2014

On August 12 International Youth Day, LICADHO is releasing profiles of youths who are part of our Child Protection Groups (CPGs) network, and actively promote child rights in their respective communities. LICADHO works with 73 CPGs, six of which represent youth and comprise 81 members across four target areas: Phnom Penh/Kandal, Preah Sihanouk, Koh Kong, and Siem Reap. This year, some youth CPG members from Phnom Penh/Kandal participated in International Youth Day celebrations in Phnom Penh organized by other youth networks. The theme was, “Youth Social Movement and Change.” The group marched from Freedom Park to the National Assembly where youth CPG members submitted a statement calling on the government to promote child rights

Statement | LICADHO Condemns the Violent Crackdown of a Peaceful March by Lor Peang Villagers

12 August 2014audio available

LICADHO condemns the violent dispersal of more than 50 villagers from Lor Peang community who had begun their 60km-long peaceful march from Kampong Chhnang province to Phnom Penh, calling for a resolution to their long-standing land dispute. Amid the violent dispersal, three villagers – including the husband of the main Lor Peang community representative Um Sophy – were arrested and sent to the provincial court.

Statement | Abuse of the Court to Suit Political Agenda Must Cease and Charges against CNRP Members Should be Dropped

7 August 2014audio available

We, the undersigned organizations, condemn the flagrant abuse of the Cambodian legal system and the trumped up charges that have been used to manipulate the outcome of political negotiations between the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) and the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), following the latest arrests of three CNRP youth members, and urges all charges to be dropped.

Flash Info | Three CNRP youths leaders denied bail by Phnom Penh Muncipal Court

7 August 2014

On the morning of August 7, 2014, Investigating Judge Keo Mony decided to refuse a bail request regarding the three CNRP Youth Leaders detained at CC1 in Prey Sar Prison.

The three CNRP youth leaders, Khin Chamreun, San Kimheng, Neang Sokhun were all arrested on Saturday August 2, 2014. Their arrests occurred while constitutional amendments were being debated upon by both parties, during which time the eight released CNRP officials, as well as CNRP Vice-President Kem Sokha, have been summonsed for further questioning on August 8-13.

Flash Info | Three CNRP youth members arrested in Phnom Penh today

2 August 2014

Shortly after noon today, police arrested two additional CNRP youth members in Phnom Penh: Tuol Kork district youth leader San Kimheng and Chbar Ampov district youth member Neang Sokhun. This follows the arrest of CNRP Phnom Penh youth leader Khin Chamreun earlier this morning. Chamreun was transferred from Phnom Penh Municipal Police Station to Phnom Penh Municipal Court before finally being detained at Prey Sar's CC1 prison at 12.10pm.

These arrests are taking place at a time of ongoing negotiation over constitutional amendments between the CPP and CNRP. The negotiations follow the parties’ agreement of July 22 which secured the release of eight CNRP activists who were detained at the time and aimed to bring to an end the year-long political deadlock between the parties.

Flash Info | Ninth CNRP official arrested amid negotiations over constitutional amendments

2 August 2014

At 7.30am this morning, Khin Chamreun the Chief of Phnom Penh CNRP Youths was arrested at a restaurant in Takhmao town, south of Phnom Penh, and transported to Phnom Penh Municipal Police Station. Chamreun was formally accused alongside the other eight CNRP officials who were detained for one week at CC1 and CC2 prisons over the violence at Freedom Park on July 15th.

The arrest of Chamreun comes at a sensitive time as the CNRP continue to negotiate over constitutional amendments with the CPP. Additionally, the other eight CNRP officials who were released as part of a political deal on July 22 are still facing charges. The eight officials have been summonsed along with CNRP Vice-President Kem Sokha by investigating judge Keo Mony, to appear for questioning at Phnom Penh Municipal Court in the coming weeks.

Report | Submission to the Human Rights Committee

23 July 2014

This week, as 8 opposition party members have been provisionally released from prison but remain accused of spurious charges for leading an insurrection and inciting violence, the Human Rights Committee’s Task Force meets to adopt the issues that will be considered by the Human Rights Committee in March 2015 when it assesses Cambodia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for the first time since 1998.

In order to help inform the Task Force’s decision, LICADHO and partner FIDH submitted a joint report in April 2014 detailing serious and persistent violations of rights guaranteed under the ICCPR, including: the right to life; the freedoms of expression and assembly; the right to fair trial; and the prohibitions against torture and arbitrary detention.

Flash Info |  All eight members of CNRP released as political deadlock ends with a deal

22 July 2014

All eight members from the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) were released today at around 4.45pm following their detainment at Prey Sar Prison (CC1 and CC2) over the violence that occurred at Freedom Park on July 15.

The provisional release comes shortly after the CNRP agreed to take up its seats in the National Assembly, following a summit meeting at the Senate between leading members of the CNRP and Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). Party officials met to discuss reforms regarding a National Electoral Commission (NEC), election dates, and National Assembly.

Around 350 supporters gathered at Prey Sar Prison as CNRP Members of Parliament-elect (MPs), Real Camerin, Keo Phirum, Nuth Rumduol, Long Ry, Mu Sochua, Men Sothavarin and Ho Vann were all released, along with CNRP grassroots activist Ouern Narith.

Livestream | CNRP President Returns Amid Threat of Further Arrests

18 July 2014

Tomorrow morning at 9 am, Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) President, Sam Rainsy is scheduled to arrive at Phnom Penh airport after a short trip to France. During the last week, seven CNRP MPs elect and one grassroots activist have been charged with a number of offences and sent to pre-trial detention following violent clashes between district security guards and CNRP supporters that took place at Freedom Park on July 15. The CNRP has asked its supporters to attend the airport to meet the party President. Follow LICADHO’s Livestream as events unfold.

Statement | Seven Opposition MPs Detained Amid Ongoing Restrictions on Peaceful Assembly

18 July 2014audio available

The Cambodian government must release all seven Members of Parliament (MPs) and one official of Cambodia’s main opposition party, the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), and immediately lift the ban on public gatherings of more than 10 people, FIDH and its member organizations the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) and the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) said today.

Flash Info | 2 more CNRP MPs join their imprisoned colleagues in Prey Sar

18 July 2014

This morning at 6.20am, Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) Members of Parliament-elect, Long Ry and Nut Romdoul were transported to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court where they were questioned briefly by Investigating Judge Keo Mony. Both MPs were arrested yesterday afternoon at Long Ry's home while they waited for their lawyer to arrive to sign documents. Following their questioning the judge ordered that the MPs be detained at Prey Sar Prison, where they will be interviewed further. Both CNRP MPs were transported to the prison this morning at around 9.30am. This brings to 8 the total of CNRP officials being held in pre-trial detention for offences relating to the violence which took place at Freedom Park on July 15.

Statement | Civil Society Groups Condemn Baseless Charges and Call for an End to Violence and Repression

17 July 2014audio available

We the undersigned civil society groups condemn the unfounded charges against seven Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) MPs-elect and one CNRP grassroots leader. We call for their immediate and unconditional release and for all charges to be dropped.

All eight were arrested in connection with the violence of July 15 in Freedom Park and charged under Cambodia’s Criminal Code articles 28 and 218 (instigating aggravated, intentional violence), 495 (inciting others to commit a felony) and 459 (leading an insurrectional movement). The latter charge carries a sentence of up to 30 years’ imprisonment.

Flash Info | Two more CNRP Members of Parliament-elect arrested

17 July 2014

This afternoon, Long Ry of Banteay Meanchey and Nuth Roumdoul of Kampong Speu, both Members of Parliament-elect were arrested. The case prosecutor formally accused them of charges relating to the Freedom Park violence that occurred on July 15. They are both being transported to Phnom Penh Police Station.

By now, a total of seven Members of Parliament-elect and one leading activist have been arrested and detained in the last 48 hours.

Flash Info | Kem Sokha, Deputy Leader of CNRP summonsed for questioning

17 July 2014

Deputy Leader of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) has today received a summons for questioning at 8am on July 25. This follows the arrest on July 15 and 16 of five CNRP MPs elect and one grassroots activist. All six were arrested in connection with the violence of July 15 in Freedom Park and charged under Cambodia’s Criminal Code articles 28 and 218 (instigating aggravated intentional violence), 495 (inciting others to commit a felony) and 459 (leading an insurrectional movement). The latter charge carries a sentence of up to 30 years’ imprisonment. All six are currently held in pre-trial detention at CC1 and CC2 prisons.

It appears that Kem Sokha is also wanted for questioning in connection with the July 15 violence. The summons states that he will be questioned in order to clarify his responsibilities as a CNRP leader.

Two additional CNRP MPs elect, Long Ry and Nuth Romdoul, and one other CNRP activist Khin Chamreun have been named in court documents as having been formally accused by the case prosecutor.

Livestream | The day after Freedom Park violence: Five MPs at Court

16 July 2014

After violent clashes between security guards and Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) supporters at Freedom Park yesterday, 5 CNRP lawmakers-elect have been brought to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for questioning. The court is heavily barricaded but CNRP supporters are gathering at the barricades. The CNRP are also holding a press conference this morning in response to yesterday’s events. Follow events as they unfold.

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