Media albums

Media Album | Struggle for Freedom of Expression

18 January 2006

A small album documenting events leading up to and following liberation of five silenced members of civil society.

Media Album | Women's Rights Office

1 January 2003

LICADHO plays an active role in promoting the rights of women and gender awareness.

Media Album | Human Rights Education Office

1 January 2003

The Human Rights Education office increases awareness and understanding of human rights in Cambodia through its various programs.

Media Album | Forms of Child Labor

1 January 2003

The Children’s Rights Office created innovative networks to monitor communities for worst forms of child labor and trafficking.

Media Album | Monitoring Office

1 January 2003

The Monitoring office is at the core of LICADHO's work to promote respect for human right and rule of law in Cambodia.

Media Album | Medical Office

1 January 2003

The care provided by the Medical office is an essential part of the services LICADHO offers to victims, providing direct treatment, interventions with the public health system, and support for the legal process.

Media Album | Children’s Rights Office

1 January 2003

LICADHO’s Children’s Rights office promotes and defends the rights of children through its networks, monitoring and advocacy activities.

Media Album | Children’s Rights Educational Material

1 January 2003

The Children’s Rights office created innovative educational material and a participatory learning approach to introduce child rights concepts to children as well as adults.

Media Album | Cambodia

1 January 2003

Scenes from every day life in Cambodia, and the people LICADHO serves.

Media Album | Cambodian Politics and Elections

1 January 2003

Vivid images of human rights work and a developing democracy in action.

Media Album | Project Against Torture

1 January 2003

The Project Against Torture assists victims of torture with a comprehensive range of services for their mental and physical rehabilitation. It is the only program of its kind in Cambodia.

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