
Statement | New Economic Land Concession Leads to Conflict, Raises Questions

16 January 2023audio available

The government approved a new Economic Land Concession (ELC) in March 2022, - nearly a decade after the prime minister signed a moratorium on new ELCs - leading to an ongoing land conflict in Stung Treng province.

It is the first known ELC granted since 2014, when the government approved several ELCs it said had been submitted prior to the May 2012 moratorium.

Dozens of families have already been impacted by the construction of a road leading to the ELC. The lack of transparency around the exact size and location of the concession has led local authorities to estimate that up to 400 families could eventually be affected across Borei O Svay Seanchey, Siem Pang, and Sesan districts in the province’s northeast.

Video | ████████ ██████ ██ ███████ ████ █████ ██ ████ ████ █████ ████████ ███ █████████████

3 January 2023audio available

On 9 January 2023, officers from the Phnom Penh Police Commissariat informed LICADHO’s operations director during an interview that refusing to remove the music video titled “Workers’ Blood” from social media and the organisation’s website would result in further legal action by authorities.

To avoid further legal action, LICADHO removed the music video from Facebook last night and from the website today. A censored page remains in its place.

Video | LICADHO: 30 Years of Serving and Supporting People

27 December 2022audio available

LICADHO was established in 1992 to monitor the national election organised by the United Nations in 1993. It later became a human rights watchdog. After 30 years of promoting and defending human rights, LICADHO still stands with people to fight against human rights abuses and to pursue social justice.

Article | Court Convicts 36 Former Opposition Activists in Latest Mass Trial

22 December 2022audio available

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court this morning convicted 36 former leaders, members and supporters of the forcibly dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) of plotting under Article 453 of the Criminal Code. The former opposition activists each received sentences ranging from five to seven years in prison, with only three activists receiving suspended sentences. Political rights of 11 activists were also suspended for a period of five years.

The political activists were convicted on the basis of their Facebook posts and recorded private phone calls regarding an attempt by Mu Sochua and other former CNRP leaders to return to Cambodia in January 2021 to stand trial in a separate mass trial. Sochua was denied boarding because the Cambodian government cancelled her passport and refused to issue her a visa for her country of birth.

Article | Nineteen villagers imprisoned, houses burned in Oddar Meanchey land conflict

14 December 2022audio available

Nineteen villagers have been imprisoned in a series of arrests which started in September 2022 in connection to an ongoing land dispute with Sok Samnang Development Co., Ltd. in Oddar Meanchey’s Trapeang Prasath district.

Armed forces wielding batons mobilised to arrest eight villagers and oversaw houses being burned in the conflicted area in the latest violent episode on 9 and 10 December. Gendarmes – also known as military police – arrested five women and three men over the course of the two days. A video taken on 10 December shows gendarmeries wielding long batons while arresting a villager and intimidating others from filming. Other videos recorded by villagers that day show their houses in flames. White smoke from the remains of burned houses was still visible when LICADHO monitors arrived that evening.

Statement | Human Rights NGOs File Complaint against Oikocredit over Cambodian MFI Investments

12 December 2022audio available

Three NGOs today filed a complaint to the Dutch government’s National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct accusing Oikocredit, a global social investor based in the Netherlands, of failing to conduct proper due diligence on its investments in Cambodia’s microfinance sector since at least 2017, despite evidence of harms directly linked to those investments.

Oikocredit has made large and increasing investments in Cambodian microfinance institutions (MFIs) from 2017 through 2022, at a time when overwhelming evidence of widespread over-indebtedness and negative social impacts was being produced by local NGOs, journalists, international NGOS and even Oikocredit itself. Despite this evidence, Oikocredit increased its investments in Cambodian MFIs, rising from 50 million Euros in 2017 to more than 67 million Euros as of September 2022 – making Cambodia the country with the second-largest exposure in Oikocredit’s portfolio.

Statement | CSOs Call on the Royal Government of Cambodia to Take Concrete Measures to Further Implement the CEDAW Committee’s Recommendations

12 December 2022audio available

During the 16 Days Campaign and on International Human Rights Day 2022, the undersigned national and international civil society organisations, associations, and unions call upon the Royal Government of Cambodia to take specific steps to implement the recommendations in the CEDAW Committee’s 2019 Concluding Observations and further improve women’s human rights in Cambodia.

NGO-CEDAW and partner organisations are releasing the 2021 CEDAW Monitoring Report, which highlights achievements and challenges related to implementing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) during 2021. The report also features a progress report on steps taken to implement the recommendations contained in the CEDAW Committee’s 2019 Concluding Observations following its review of Cambodia’s implementation of the convention.

Media Album | Standing Together for International Human Rights Day 2022

10 December 2022

More than 7,000 people across at least 15 provinces and Phnom Penh gathered to celebrate International Human Rights Day between 4 December and 10 December 2022. Land community members gathered to discuss unresolved land conflicts in their communities; forestry communities discussed the importance and ongoing challenges of protecting natural resources; and unionists highlighted the repression of labour rights and imprisonment of union leader Chhim Sithar. NGO members gathered in Phnom Penh and across the country to participate in events led by communities, and to discuss the human rights situation.

Statement | Close Prey Speu: Multiple Detainee Deaths Reported at Unlawful Detention Centre

7 December 2022audio available

Two people died while being arbitrarily detained at the state-run Prey Speu Social Affairs Centre in August 2022, with evidence pointing to more than 10 deaths among the centre’s detainees during July and August 2022.

LICADHO has documented abuses at Prey Speu since it opened in 2004 and has publicly called for its closure since 2008. Today, we renew that call. Close Prey Speu, and put an end to the horrors faced by the people detained there.

Statement | Immediately Release Imprisoned Union Leader Chhim Sithar

28 November 2022audio available

We, the undersigned, call on the Cambodian government to stop being afraid of Chhim Sithar’s strength and bravery. We call for her immediate and unconditional release from prison and an end to the judicial harassment of the union’s leader and members.

Sithar, the recently re-elected president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU), was arrested at immigration at the Phnom Penh airport on Saturday morning, as she was returning from the International Trade Union Confederation World Conference in Australia.

Media Album | Cambodia’s Women Labour Rights Activists Speak Out

27 November 2022

Throughout the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which runs from 25 November to 10 December, LICADHO will be sharing six videos in this album featuring labour rights activists who are standing up for just working conditions and fighting to end gender-based violence at work. Each with different backgrounds, together they represent factory workers, sex workers, entertainment workers, casino workers, teachers, tuk tuk drivers, domestic workers and more.

Flash Info | Chhim Sithar Detained Upon Returning to Cambodia

26 November 2022audio available

Union leader Chhim Sithar was detained by immigration police at the Phnom Penh International Airport today after returning to Cambodia following a 12-day trip to Australia. She was detained at immigration at around 10:30 am and has been sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

Sithar’s lawyer, who was present at the airport, has not been allowed to accompany the union leader during questioning and has been unable to contact her for several hours.

Sithar, the president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU), was charged with incitement under Articles 494 and 495 of the Criminal Code in January 2022 after the union began a strike action. She was violently arrested while trying to join fellow strikers and spent over two months in pre-trial detention alongside other union leaders and members before being released on bail in March this year. Upon her release, neither Sithar nor her lawyers were informed of any judicial supervision or probation conditions, such as travel restrictions.

Briefing | Women United for Labour Rights in Cambodia: Six Stories of Resistance

25 November 2022audio available

LICADHO is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence by celebrating all women who are standing up for labour rights and fighting to end gender-based violence at work. In “Women United for Labour Rights in Cambodia”, LICADHO shares the stories and recommendations of six activists fighting as leaders and members of trade unions, associations and federations.

Together, they represent factory workers, sex workers, entertainment workers, casino workers, teachers, tuk tuk drivers, domestic workers and more. They are all calling out the violence and sexual harassment that their members face at the workplace.

Statement | AIIB Loans to Cambodian Microlenders Risk Worsening a Human Rights Crisis

17 November 2022audio available

We, the undersigned civil society organisations in Southeast Asia and Europe, decry the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) approval of US$175 million in financing to Cambodian microfinance institutions, despite years of widespread public reporting on human rights violations in the sector.

AIIB, a multilateral investment bank with 105 members including Germany which holds significant shares, chose to begin financing two Cambodian microlenders the same month that the IFC’s Compliance Advisor Ombudsman accepted a complaint alleging that the IFC’s investments in those same microlenders and others are linked to predatory lending and abusive collection practices.

Statement | IFC Watchdog Moves to Compliance Stage of Cambodian Microloan Complaint

15 November 2022audio available

A complaint against six microfinance institutions and banks in Cambodia that are funded by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will move into the Compliance stage, an important step toward a much-needed investigation into years of abuses and violations of IFC performance standards by microloan providers in Cambodia.

The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) of the IFC has announced that the complaint, filed in February this year by LICADHO and Equitable Cambodia (EC) on behalf of affected Cambodian borrowers, will move to Compliance following the decision of some complainants, and after other complainants and financial institutions did not reach a mutual agreement to enter into dispute resolution.

Media Album | Celebrating World Habitat Day 2022

10 October 2022

Members of communities affected by land conflicts gathered across Cambodia in the weeks leading up to and following World Habitat Day to call on the government to ensure the right to adequate housing, and to call for a solution to their long-running land disputes.

Flash Info | Candlelight Party Leader Convicted for Criticising Commune Elections

7 October 2022audio available

Son Chhay, vice president of the opposition Candlelight Party, was convicted of defamation in two cases by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court this afternoon following his public criticism of Cambodia’s June 2022 Commune Elections. He was ordered to pay 3 billion riel (about US$750,000) in compensation to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and two fines totalling 17 million riel (about US$4,250).

The CPP and the NEC filed separate criminal complaints against Chhay in June 2022, alleging that he damaged their reputations after he commented on the fairness of the election results in a media interview. Chhay had claimed that the NEC was controlled by one political party, and that there were irregularities before and during the elections, including intimidation and vote-buying and stealing.

Chhay was charged with defamation under Article 305 of the Criminal Code in August 2022 on the basis of both complaints. Following separate trial hearings, the municipal court announced its judgements related to both complaints this afternoon. Chhay was fined 8 million riel (about US$2,000) and 9 million riel (about US$2,250) in relation to the CPP’s and NEC’s complaints respectively. The judge further announced additional penalties under Article 310 of the Criminal Code, including that the judgements must be posted publicly at Chhay’s residence, his local commune office, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court and all polling stations in Phnom Penh for two months, as well as publicised through the media for eight days at Chhay’s expense.

Video | Tears of the Lake: Protect Cambodia’s Lakes on World Habitat Day 2022

5 October 2022audio available

Lakes and wetlands surrounding Cambodia’s capital are home to thousands of people and essential for livelihoods, flood protection and wastewater treatment. Their destruction for development projects is causing evictions, loss of income and food insecurity, and leaving Phnom Penh exposed to worsening flooding.

Briefing | A Legal Brief on Cambodia's Law on Preventive Measurement Against the Spread of COVID-19 and Other Severe and Dangerous Contagious Diseases as Applied Against Human Rights Defenders

29 September 2022audio available

The Covid-19 Law, officially titled the Law on Preventive Measures Against the Spread of Covid-19 and Other Severe and Dangerous Contagious Diseases, was hurriedly passed on 11 March 2021 without consultation with civil society and other stakeholders, and took immediate effect. The law, reinforced by two hastily drafted sub-decrees on health and administrative measures, grants the government extraordinarily broad powers and discretion to significantly interfere with fundamental social, political and economic rights. There are inadequate provisions for independent oversight of authorities’ measures, and a lack of meaningful limits on the duration and scope of oppressive restrictions. Over half the text of the Covid-19 Law is devoted to penalties, including prison sentences of up to 20 years for vaguely phrased violations.

Statement | A Legal Brief on Cambodia’s Covid-19 Law Used to Persecute Human Rights Defenders and Other Activists

29 September 2022audio available

Cambodia’s repressive Covid-19 Law has resulted in serious rights violations against human rights defenders, land rights demonstrators, unionists, and other citizens over the past year due to authorities’ discriminatory application of the law’s overly broad scope and powers, and the imposition of excessive penalties. Authorities can charge individuals under the law effectively at any time, despite decreasing case numbers. The potential misuse of the law to suppress criticism and fundamental freedoms is an ongoing threat, and serves as an example of harms caused by rushed legislation granting new, unfettered powers to the government.

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