Statement on the Killing of Uch Horn

Published on 19 July 2001; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

On May 30, 2001 Mr. Uch Horn, aged 52, a Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) candidate in the upcoming commune council elections, was killed in Basset district, Kompong Speu Province. The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs, is pleased by the efforts of the competent authorities of the government in investigating the murder and arresting the alleged perpetrator. However, the CHRAC remains very concerned about the political violence against the candidates for free and fair commune council elections as a broad issue.

The CHRAC has investigated the incident, and has determined that Mr. Uch Horn was a popular SRP activist, who was politically active in Basset district, Kompong Speu Province.

His high profile and political activity brought frequent threats and accusations of being a sorcerer. These rumors negatively affected his business and farming. Before the killing, there was a meeting in the house of the chief of Basset village to determine whether or not to kill Mr. Uch Horn. Prior to this meeting, fears about his security led him to file a complaint to the competent authorities, where he sought protection urgently, but no effective intervention was made.

The upcoming commune council elections will be an important step toward greater democracy in Cambodia. The CHRAC is deeply concerned that the killing of Mr. Uch Horn was politically motivated. Political violence will pose a grave threat to the process of commune council elections, and to democracy in general.

The CHRAC appeals to the government authorities as follows:

1. The court must judge this killing case with justice to find justice for the victim and to provide a model for others not to follow.

2. The National Election Committee must emphasize to the people that the commune council election will be organized for the candidates for commune council membership, not just for the commune chief, and that the power to administer the commune lies with the commune council.

3. The government authorities shall take swift and strong action to denounce political violence and to prevent any further acts of this nature, especially whenever the people complain about threats to their life.

4. The competent authorities shall train the people to be aware that the killing of a human being is a crime, in violation to the Cambodian Constitution, the criminal law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, even if they are accused of sorcery.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun, Executive Director of CDP and coordinator of CHRAC, Tel: 012 901 199

PDF: Download full statement


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