Call for the Public Release of the Selection Criteria for, and Short-List of, Candidates to be Judges and Co-Prosecutor in Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Published on 25 November 2005; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 NGO members, welcomes the United Nations’ release of a list of candidates that it is considering nominating as international judges and international co-prosecutor for appointment by the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Supreme Council of Magistracy to serve on the Extraordinary Chambers for Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea.

The United Nations published the criteria and qualifications for nominations when it issued the invitation to member states to submit nominations on 30 June 2005. Recently, it released the names of the candidates under consideration for the international judge and international co-prosecutor nominations. There will now be an opportunity for public comment on the candidates before the United Nations makes its final decision.

Making the criteria for selection and the list of recommended candidates public prior to final appointment are important steps to increase public participation and confidence in the outcome of the tribunal. In addition, publicizing the criteria and the candidates under consideration decreases the risk that the public will view the selection process as the result of political influence. The appointment of fair, impartial, independent, and experienced judges to the Extraordinary Chambers is critical to ensuring that the Extraordinary Chambers operates independently and consistently with international standards. Accordingly, CHRAC urges the Royal Government of Cambodia to:

1. Publicly release the criteria for the selection of the Cambodian co-prosecutor and judges for the Extraordinary Chambers.

2. Release the names of the individuals under consideration and enough information about the candidates so that the public can evaluate their qualifications against the selection criteria before the final appointment made by the Supreme Council of Magistracy.

3. Ensure that the appointment process is open, transparent, and objective and is based on the integrity and ability of each candidate.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun Chairman of CHRAC and Executive Director CDP, Tel: 012 901 199
 Mr. Thun Saray President of ADHOC Tel: 016 880 509
 Dr. Kek Galabru President of LICADHO, Tel: 012 940 645
 Mr. Ouk Vandeith Executive Director, Tel: 012 859 691

PDF: Download full statement


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