Concern over the eruption of Violence in Sambok Chab Village

Published on 31 May 2006; Joint Organizations

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) and Housing Rights Task Forces (HRTF) are gravely concerned with the ongoing human rights abuses leveled against the residents in Sambok Chab village (Village 14), Khan Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh.

Violence erupted this morning when village guards began destroying a home at the site. The demolition of homes led to the injury of two community members-a young girl and a pregnant woman. The young child required hospitalization due to the injury. These incidents, coupled with the deteriorating conditions in Sambok Chab, led to a violent reaction by the community. Villagers armed with sticks and rocks destroyed village offices and a fence surrounding the site in an expression of their anger and frustration with the eviction process.

While CHRAC and HRTF do not condone the use of violence and regrets the actions of the community members, we would like to stress the precipitating conditions and actions which led to this violence.

On May 3, Phnom Penh authorities began the eviction of Sambok Chab village, relying on a resettlement plan designed with no participation from the affected community, and which excluded the many hundreds of renters residing in the community.1 Since that time-nearly one month-the renters have been living in squalid conditions, forced by authorities into close quarters with minimal shelter and no water supply, electricity or bathroom facilities. The onset of rainy season in Cambodia has further deteriorated the situation, creating serious health risks. NGOs attempt to provide assistance have been repeatedly rebuffed by authorities: NGOs have been stopped from conducting surveys prior to and during resettlement, and have been barred from providing humanitarian relief to community members. Yesterday, United Nations Special Rapporteurs Hina Jilani and Miloon Kothari issued a statement expressing their concerns that the situation contravenes established international human rights standards.

In an effort to ensure the protection of human rights in Sambok Chab village and lessen the chances of future violence, CHRAC and HRTF would like to appeal for the following points:
- Local authorities and village guards must immediately halt the eviction process, including ending the demolition of homes and shelters.
- Phnom Penh Municipality should initiate proper consultations with Sambok Chab community members to determine an accurate account of families affected by Bassac development plans and ensure that no families are rendered homeless by resettlement plans.
- Authorities should provide humanitarian relief to the families in Sambok Chab, including shelter, potable water, bathroom facilities, and medicine.
- Civil society and relief organizations must be allowed unfettered access to provide assistance to the families in Sambok Chab.
- Phnom Penh Municipality must take immediate measures to resolve the situation of the renters in a manner acceptable to the residents of Sambok Chab.
- The Royal Government of Cambodia, must take care of its homeless and vulnerable citizens, and could easily resolve this situation by creating a social land concession for

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Huon Chundy CLEC Tel: (855) 12 942 326
 Ms. Sao Chanhorm LICADHO Tel: (855) 12 356 107
 Mr. Chan Soveth ADHOC Tel: (855) 16 937 591

PDF: Download full statement


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