CHRAC expresses concern over increasing political violence

Published on 28 August 2001; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs, expresses its concern over the increase of violence throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia during the first semester of 2001. The CHRAC has noted that politically motivated cases have been threatening the freedom of the people to take part in political activities guaranteed by the Constitution and government's policy to strengthen the rule of law of Cambodia.

The CHRAC has observed that political killings, threats, intimidations, and harassments have increased especially in remote areas. These incidents occurred at a time when Cambodia is in the process of organizing the first Commune Council Elections this upcoming February 3, 2002 following the policy of decentralization. According to the investigation report of the CHRAC, from January 2001 up to the present, there are 3 politically motivated killing cases and 82 cases of political threats and intimidations against political activists and candidates for Commune Council Elections. Many perpetrators have not been brought to justice. The CHRAC acknowledges that if political violence continues, it will badly affect the process of democratic, free and fair exercise of the upcoming elections.

In order to have a free and fair election acceptable by every political party, the CHRAC would like to appeal that:

- The government must take immediate actions in order to prevent the political violence through promoting the protection of human rights and democracy to be better and to guarantee the national prestige and people's rights and freedoms.

- All the courts, armed forces and competent authorities must maintain independence and neutrality in performing their duties and responsibilities in order to guarantee the political environment with peace, security, and safety, which are the keys to free and fair elections.

- All the people must participate in exercising their rights and democracy without using violence.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr Sokh Sam oeun, Chairperson of CHRAC and Executive Director of CDP, Tel: 012 901 199
 Yi kosal Vathanak, Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Investigation of the CHRAC, Tel: 012 927 591

PDF: Download full statement


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