Call for charges to be dropped against 3 garment factory workers detained in Kandal court's prison

Published on 4 August 2006; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGO members, regrets the decision made by Kandal Provincial Court to charge and detain three garment factory workers; Lach Sambo, Sal Kimsan and Yin Khun who have been working for Genuine garment factory since 4 July 2006.

From 23 to 29 June 2006, 1000 workers at the Genuine garment factory, located in Kantok commune, Angsnuol district, Kandal province, held a strike to demand for the factory boss to withdraw complaints and allow to return union leader Lach Sambo and other two workers; Sal Kimsan and Yin Khun. All three were terminated by the boss in relation to a non-existent criminal case. It is significant that at about 5 pm of 28 June 2006, all workers agreed to lock the factory's main gate preventing trucks from transporting products due to the failure to resolve the issue. They wanted the factory's boss to negotiate the issue. They left the small gate unlocked, however, so that the people could go in and out as usual. At 9 pm of the same day, the main gate was unlocked after the workers were informed of negotiations to take place the following day.

CHRAC notes that the charges against the three worker union representatives of detaining 24 people in the factory are groundless and lacking in key elements of the crime due to the fact that the workers did not lock the small gate. This meant that people could freely go in and out the factory. They locked the main gate to urge the factory's boss to negotiate peacefully. Furthermore, on 20 July 2006, the factory boss withdrew the complaints, acknowledging that the three workers had not committed the crimes as charged by the Court.

CHRAC finally appeals to Kandal Provincial Court to drop the charges against the three workers and
release them immediately. The Court should also discontinue any further charges and not pursue arrests against other garment factory workers considered involved in this case.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Thun Saray Chairperson of CHRAC, President of ADHOC Tel: 016 880 509
 Dr. Kek Galabru President of LICADHO Tel: 012 640 645
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun Executive Director of CDP Tel: 012 901 199
 Ms. Nay Dina Executive Director of KID Tel: 011 924 286

PDF: Download full statement


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