Activists release balloons, demand release of arrested Sambok Chap villagers

Published on 5 September 2006; Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC)

The Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC) invites the media to report on the release of balloons in front of Prey Sar Prison on 06 September 2006 at 11am, to demand the immediate and unconditional release of three villagers of Sambok Chab who have been detained in prison for three months.

Two of the villagers, Mr. Chhen Sovan, and Mr. Chan Ra, were arrested during the eviction of the residents of Sambok Chab, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, on June 6, by hundreds of armed policemen. The third person, Mr. Hem Chhun, who worked as a reporter for the newspaper Samrek Yuthetor, was arrested on July 7 close to the site in Dangkao District of Phnom Penh where the villagers were relocated. The three persons have been accused by the Phnom Penh authorities of having incited a riot at Sambok Chab Village on May 30 that lead to the destruction of private and public property. The authorities have accused the journalist of being the "mastermind" behind this violent event.

The AFEC rejects violence as a means of expressing opinions. However, the alliance points out that the riot was a spontaneous act by about 100 desperate villagers facing eviction and the destruction of their homes. The event took place after the dismantling of some of their houses had started and a girl had been wounded by falling debris. There is little indication of any kind of an organized plan or premeditation on the part of the villagers who participated in the riot.

The AFEC is very concerned that the arrests took place in order to silence any further protests by the villagers against the evictions which left hundreds of poor and destitute families without adequate shelter, food, water, and other basic supplies. Furthermore, the AFEC notes that the legal proceedings against Mr. Hem Chhun, who as a journalist would have had a right to be present at the riot for the purpose of reporting on it, appear to violate the freedom of the press.

The September 6 balloon release will be attended by families of the arrested villagers, human rights activists and other supporters. It is intended to show solidarity with the imprisoned villagers and demand their immediate release.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Ou, Virak, General Secretary of the AFEC,
 H/P: 012 404 051

PDF: Download full statement


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