Civil society gravely concerned over exorbitant fees derailing ECCC

Published on 4 April 2007; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 23 NGO members expresses our grave concern over unresolved fees imposed on foreign lawyers to practice before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) by the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia (BAKC) which is creating a stalemate and derailing the ECCC process.

We are particularly concern regarding the most recent standoff between the BAKC and the international judges in their inability to come to an agreement, and to learn that because of the failure of the BAKC to compromise on this issue of fees, the plenary session scheduled for the end of this month will not be convened. We urge the BAKC and the ECCC to arrive at an appropriate agreement which ensures freedom of choice of counsels immediately.

CHRAC squarely places the onus of resolving this issue of fees on the shoulders of the BAKC and holds it accountable for the inability of the ECCC to adopt Internal Rules.

Moreover, CHRAC holds the Royal Government of Cambodia accountable should this ECCC not move forward or move forward but failed to administer proper justice for the Cambodian people.

We, Cambodian civil society, have reached a critical point of realization and understanding, no matter how difficult the process has been for us: Let us say it now and say it loud and clear - We desire genuine justice; we desire a genuine process of truth and reconciliation. And we wholeheartedly support any party or anyone who works toward these goals. We don't want to have a parody of justice. We don't want the memory of the dead be ridiculed. We don't allow our collective identity as Khmer be demeaned.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Thun Saray, Chairman of CHRAC/President of ADHOC Tel: 016 880 509
 Ms. Theary C. Seng, Executive Director of CSD Tel: 012 222 552
 Ms. Nay Dina, Executive Director of KID Tel: 011 924 286

PDF: Download full statement


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