Crackdown on Attempted Peaceful Protest by Workers and Teachers

Published on 17 August 2008; Joint Organizations

The Association for Development and Human Rights in Cambodia (ADHOC) and the Cambodian League for Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (LICADHO) jointly condemn the police crackdown on an attempted peaceful gathering over the Preah Vihear temple dispute by factory workers and school teachers today.

The gathering was initially planned to be held in front of the old National Assembly but, when military police, national and municipal police blocked many participants from reaching the site, the organizers decided to relocate to the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s (FTUWKC) office.

There, more than 50 intervention police surrounded the office, trapping some 100 workers and teachers inside to prevent them from marching on the street. Police violently pushed people back inside the office at least twice, as well as destroyed banners and confiscated Cambodian flags.

Other citizens were prevented from going to the FTUWKC office to join the gathering. Police installed roadblocks around the office and obstructed people who tried to enter the cordoned area, even to access their own homes. Police threatened people who wanted to join the demonstrations or who simply stood nearby to observe.

Furthermore, municipal police and national intervention police were deployed on the outskirts of Phnom Penh to stop vehicles carrying factory workers from entering the city center. In at least two incidents, in Dangkao and Russey Keo districts, dozens of workers were temporarily detained as well as their rented vehicles.

“These detentions were simply unlawful,” said ADHOC Ny Chakriya. “It is in direct violation of Cambodia’s Constitution which guarantees freedom of movement to all citizens.”

LICADHO and ADHOC note that so far this year the government has obstructed or banned at least three attempted peaceful gatherings: an assembly to highlight rising inflation, a Labor Day rally, and today’s gathering about Preah Vihear. In all cases, police and military police personnel were used to intimidate citizens in an attempt to dissuade them from assembling.

“The Cambodian government must restore to all its citizens the right to peacefully assemble to express their concerns and grievances”, said LICADHO President Kek Galabru. “A country in which people are systematically not allowed to express their opinions can only lead to social

LICADHO and ADHOC call for the Cambodian government to radically change its
attitude toward its citizens trying to express their opinion in a peaceful manner and to
cease the unjustified deployment of armed forces during such events.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr Am Sam Ath, LICADHO Monitoring Supervisor, 012 327 770
 Mr Ny Chakriya, ADHOC Head of Monitoring, 011 274 959

PDF: Download full statement in English - Download full statement in Khmer


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