Concert to Raise Awareness of Child Domestic Workers’ Rights

Published on 10 June 2009; Joint Organizations

A concert to raise awareness about child domestic workers’ rights will be held at Provincial Stadium of Kampong Cham, on June 12, from 4:30pm to 9:30pm.

Organized by human rights organization LICADHO and World Vision Cambodia (WVC), the concert aims to highlight the rights of child domestic workers to education, health-care, and protection from physical, psychological, and sexual abuse and exploitation. The 12 June event coincides with the World Day against Child Labor, the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the landmark International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention Number 182 which requires signatory countries to take action to end the worst forms of child labor.

Thousands of Cambodian children leave their homes to work as servants in other people’s homes. In Phnom Penh and three large provinces - Kampong Cham, Battambang and Siem Reap - there are an estimated 21,000 child domestic workers, mostly female, according to 2007 research commissioned by LICADHO and WVC.

Child domestic workers typically come from impoverished backgrounds. They decided or are forced to work in order to earn money to support their families.

While some child domestic workers are well treated by their employers and are permitted to go to school, others are not. They may be forced to work excessively long hours each day, but earn much less than other laborers. Also they may be deprived of the opportunity to go to school and denied proper medical care when they are sick. At worst, they may be traumatized by physical, psychological or sexual abuse by their employers or others in the household.

“Children engage in domestic labor due to poverty, poor living conditions, migration, their family’s debt, and domestic violence. Child domestic workers may have problems with their health, safety, and development because they are not well taken care of. In particular, they lose the chance to receive an education,” said Mr. Lor Monirith, Combating Worst Form of Child Labour Project Manager, WVC.

“Abuse and exploitation amongst child domestic workers by their employers cannot be ignored. The government and society, especially house owners who employ children,

need to make a conscious effort to ensure the safety, health care, development and education of child domestic workers,” added Mr. Lor Monirith.

“Child domestic workers are extremely vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and require special protection,” said Pung Chhiv Kek, president of LICADHO. “Both parents and employers have a responsibility to ensure that child domestic workers are safe and that their work does not interfere with their education and health.”

According to ILO’s Convention Number 138 ratified by the government in 1999, children aged 13 to 15 years old should only be permitted to do light work which is not likely to be harmful to their health or development, and which does not stop them from going to school or receiving vocational training.

The Kampong Cham concert will include drama performances, recitals of traditional Chapey Dongveng music, and comedy shows with messages, which inform people of the rights of child domestic workers. This is the first time that LICADHO and WVC have conducted such a public event, under the core theme “I protect children, do you?” in Kampong Cham province, but the four similar concerts have previously been held in Phnom Penh city and Battambang province.

Members of the public, local and international journalists are invited to attend the concert and join us in promoting the rights

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Ham Sunrith, Deputy Director of Monitoring and Protection, LICADHO 012 98 89 59
 Mr. Lor Monirith, Combating Worst Form of Child Labour project manager, WVC 012 629 829
 Mr. Bun Ying, Communications Officer, WVC 012 90 29 90

PDF: Download full statement in English - Download full statement in Khmer


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