Moneaseka Khmer newspaper must be entitled to republish

Published on 6 August 2002; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 Local NGOs, in very deplorable that The Ministry of Information issued a letter No. 532/02 dated 01/08/02 instructing the Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper to suspend its publication for 30 days following it published an article entitled “ Fearing the Vietnamese puppets, Funcinpec is planning to cut it flesh for the crocodile" on August 1,2001.

The Ministry decided to suspend this Newspaper claiming that the article published violates articles 7-10 and 11 of the Press Law because the content of the article affects the code of conduct of Journalism and causes political instability in the Government which has been in the process of building the country.

CHRAC understands that the content of article can not be an argument to charge the Newspaper with the violation of the press law as stated by the Ministry of Information because the article published doesn't affect the National security and political instability as described in article 12 of the Press law, which is the only article allowing the Ministry of Information to suspend any Newspaper from publication. Moreover, although the writer of this article expressed some personal opinions, such content had previously been published in the media.

The suspension of Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper from publication affects the freedom of the press and expression and the process of building democracy in Cambodia. Such act is frightening the spirits of other media not to express their opinions and enjoy their freedom.

CHRAC understands that if the Ministry of Information has acknowledged that the article published in any Newspapers containing unjust content, the Ministry should instruct that Newspaper to republish to rectify the content prior to suspending the publication.

To guarantee the rights and freedom of the Press to exist, CHRAC would like to appeal as follows:

- The Ministry of Information and the Government of Cambodia should review the case of this publication and allow Moneaseka Khmer Newspaper to continue its publication in order to serve the interests of the Nation and Democracy in Cambodia.

- All Newspapers shall write their articles in pursuance with the Profession of Journalism and use their words properly and morally in writing their articles.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Thun Saray, Chairperson of CHRAC Tel: 218 653, 982 407, 016 880 509
 Mr. Ny Chakrya Tel: 012 920 73

PDF: Download full statement


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