CHRAC regrets the murder of Om Radsady

Published on 19 February 2003; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local Human Rights NGOs, is very concerned about the killing of H.E Om Radsady, a senior advisor to Prince Norodom Ranariddh, president of the National Assembly.

Om Radsady, a 52 year-old man, was gunned down by an unidentified armed man who was accompanied by another man driving a motorcycle on February 18, 2003 at 12:00 PM after he left a restaurant named Deum Mean located at Kap Kor market, Chamcarmon district, Phnom Penh. The victim was later sent to the Calmette hospital and died at approximately 5:10 PM in the hospital on the same day after doctors tried for several hours to save his life.

As the confirmation from the eyewitness, two men on a motorcycle- one armed with a handgun- had been waiting for H.E Om Radsady on the street outside the restaurant and shot him as he left the restaurant together with his two colleagues.

Om Radsady, a member of the Funcinpec Steering Committee and former parliamentarian, suffered two bullets, according to the doctors at Calmette hospital.

CHRAC regrets the loss of H.E Om Radsady and wishes to express its sadness and condolences to him and his family. The act of killing is a serious human rights violation and greatly affects the political atmosphere in preparation of the upcoming National Election, which will be held in July 2003.

CHRAC has noticed that prior to the killing of H.E. Om Radsady, it was a killing of the monk named Sam Bun Theurn committed by unidentified persons at Langka pagoda in Phnom Penh. The perpetrators have not been found and arrested yet, but another killing has happened. This makes the people scared of the political situation happening before the National Election.

CHRAC strongly condemns the act of killing and appeals to the government and all authorities concerned to conduct vigorous and rapid investigation into the case and bring the perpetrators and their accomplices to justice.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Thun Saray, Chairperson of Action Committee Tel: 016 880 509
 Mr. Ni Chariya, Monitoring officer of ADHOC Tel: 012 920 730

PDF: Download full statement


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