SRP Activist's daughter shot dead in Kampong Cham

Published on 14 August 2003; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 17 local NGOs working on human rights issues, strongly condemns the killing of a 16 year old girl named Khuon Dina on August 6 at Opi village, Thmar Pich commune, Thbong Khmum district, Kompong Cham Province, allegedly by the village chief named Nguon Oun. The young victim is the daughter of a Sam Rainsy party activist.

CHRAC wishes to express its condolences to the victim's family.

Khuon Dina, a student who collected rubber to support her family was shot dead on August 6 at 3:00 PM in Chup rubber plantation, No. 67, west of her house about 2 Kilometers in Lot 76 B of Opi village. The perpetrator chased her and then killed her with an AK 47 while the victim was walking along with other 5 girls. According to witnesses, the perpetrator was identified as Nguon Oun , chief of Opi village, who drove a red C100 Korean motorcycle, chased the victim and then shot the victim two times in the neck.

CHRAC believes that the motive behind the killing is that the victim's father is a SRP activist who worked as an election observer for the SRP in Thmar Pich commune. Although the victim’s father joined SRP secretly, he was noticed by others once he worked for the opposition party on election day. Since then, party representatives from other political parties have harassed him and his family. Prior to the killing, the perpetrator also threatened to shoot the god brother of the victim. Furthermore, on August 4, the perpetrator beat the eldest daughter of the SRP activist who had a 4 month year old baby accusing her of stealing rubber from the plantation. The victim’s father then went to question the perpetrator who proceeded to beat him. The village chief then grabbed a gun from a rubber plantation guard to kills the victim’s father but the guard refused to give him the gun.

CHRAC urges the courts and relevant authorities to enforce the arrest warrant and ensure that the perpetrator is brought to court for the crime committed. Authorities must also ensure the protection of the victim’s family in the future.

For more information, please contact:
 Dr. Kek Galabru, President of LICADHO at 012 802 506
 Chan Savet, Deputy chief of Monitoring Section of Adhoc, Tel:016 937 591

PDF: Download full statement


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