CHRAC supports asylum for 24 Montagnard refugees

Published on 9 April 2001; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee, a coalition of 18 local NGOs, welcomes and supports recent statements by the Royal Government of Cambodia that 24 Vietnamese ethnic minorities should get asylum depending on the results of interviews conducted by UNHCR and other relevant authorities.

These 24 Vietnamese were arrested by Cambodian authorities from March 17-22 in Mondolkiri for entering illegally in Cambodia. These persons were allegedly involved in activities against the Government of Vietnam, but according to recent reports, these people may be political refugees who will face persecution if they are forced back to Vietnam.

CHRAC welcomes the fact that the Royal Government is willing to fulfill its obligation as Cambodia ratified the 1951 Convention to the Status of Refugees in which article 33 Paragraph 1 states that “No contracting state shall expel or return (“ refouler’’) a refugee in any manner whatever to the frontier of territories where his life… membership of a particular group or political opinion”

CHRAC hopes that if the 24 Vietnamese are determined to be refugees, they should be granted protection and basic human rights as indicated in the International Convention on Refugees, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other International Covenants and Conventions.

CHRAC encourages the Royal Government to allow UNHCR and relevant authorities to continue interviewing the 24 people to determine their refugee status and if necessary to allow them to seek asylum in another country.

CHRAC calls upon the Royal Government to continue implementing the International Convention on Refugees and circulating to all local authorities about the government’s position with self-determination and that the decision of the Royal Government remain neutral and independent.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Chev Kim Ieng, Tel: 012 803 174
 Mr. Phoung Sith, Tel: 012 979 343
 Mr. Seun Seth, Tel: 012 933 805

PDF: Download full statement


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