Appeal Court Verdict in Controversial Poipet Land Case Results in Death, Injuries

Published on 28 March 2005; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Actions Committee (CHRAC), a collation of 18 human rights NGOs, strongly condemns the means of enforcement of the Banteay Mean Chey Provincial Appeals Court’s decision in a controversial Poipet land case. Enforcement lead to violence against villagers that resulted in six deaths. As well, six others are seriously injured three, 3 people have disappeared, and 29 people were arrested and released the same day.

According to CHRAC sources, court clerk Chan Savath (a representative of the prosecutor in the Banteay Mean Chey court) enforced the verdict of the appeal court by deploying over one hundred police and military police officers to contain the 218 families living in Kbal Spearn village, and to protect workers hired to destroy their property in Poipet commune, O’Chreu district, Banteay Mean Chey province. When confronted by villagers, the authorities fired a threatening shot, which caused one injury and chaos among villagers. Authorities then shot at individuals and the crowd causing six deaths and six injuries; three villagers have disappeared since the incident.

Article 32 of the Constitution clearly prohibits any violent act that results in death, including capital punishment, and article 36 of the land law states that the authorities can suspend the enforcement of the verdict in cases where enforcement causes chaos and serious social problems.

The Action Committee considered this action as a serious human rights and law violation. Perpetrators must be held responsible before the law. The Action Committee insists that authorities at all levels conduct an independent investigation, arrest the perpetrators and hold prosecute those responsible for the incident.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Eurn, coordinator of Action Committee Tel: 012 901 199
 Dr. Pong Chhiv Kek, president of LICADHO Tel: 012 940 645
 Mr. Ny Chariya, head of investigation of ADHOC Tel: 012 920 730
 Mr. Yang Kim Eng, president of the Khmer Youth Association Tel: 016 828 211
 Mr. Mum Sarin, president of KKK association Tel: 011 738 975

PDF: Download full statement


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