Land Concession for Pine Tree Planting to Wuzhishan Company and Complaints Lodged by Phnong Tribe Communities in Mondulkiri Province

Published on 22 June 2005; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 NGOs, is deeply concerned about the development plans of the Wuzhishan Company's land concession in Mondulkiri Province. As currently described, their plans will violate the historic land, customs, traditions, and daily life of Phnong tribe communities in seven communes. In particular, the company's intention to clear more than 10,000 hectares of land to plant pine trees represents an illegal action that seriously impacts the livelihood of the tribes in the communes of Dakdam and Sen Monorum of Oraing District.

The affected tribe communities have reported that the Company is violating traditional burial land and a holy 'spirit forest,' and has used chemicals that affected the health of people and animals. The company's workers have stolen farm products, livestock, and pets belonging to the community. The workers have also threatened and beaten villagers as they went to their fields.

CHRAC has been actively monitoring the land dispute, including all actions taken by local authorities to resolve the crisis.

The tribe communities have always respected the Government's Notification Letter (s>C>N), but this concession company has continued to violate them. The tribe communities have asked several times for help from local authorities in resolving the issue but no solution has been reached. As a result, the tribes have been forced to try to protect their traditional lands themselves in order to prevent the Company from clearing them.

CHRAC urgently appeals to authorities at all levels of the government to intervene in order to ensure that the Wuzhishan Company respects the law and the government's decrees. Such action is needed in order to prevent potential violence and reach a peaceful resolution that respects the interests of both sides.

CHRAC also demands that authorities re-evaluate the environmental and social impact of this development before it is allowed to continue. In addition, CHRAC requests that the appropriate authorities reach out to these tribe communities in order to explain events and keep them informed of the joint development plan of Company and the Royal Government.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun, Chairman of Action Committee Tel: 012 901 199
 Mr. Thun Saray, President of ADHOC Tel: 016 880 509
 Mr. Cheav Kim Eng, General Manager of LICADHO Tel: 012 803 174
 Mr. Yong Kim Eng, President of KYA Tel: 016 828 211

PDF: Download full statement


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