Position of the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations to the Senate Election Process

Published on 6 July 2005; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The coalition of civil society organizations has noticed that the Senate and the National Assembly, who adopted the proposed law on election of members of the senate, plan to elect senators as a result of the votes of members of both the national assembly and commune council. The coalition of civil society organizations, however, strongly regrets that recommendations of the coalition, electoral stakeholders, and political parties are not included in the Senate Election Law.

The Senate Election Law chose a system, known as the “Non-Universal Suffrage”, which allows only Members of Parliament and Elected Members of Commune/Sangkat Council to vote to elect senators. The coalition believes that this method of electing members of the senate is meaningless and non transparent. Moreover, if the senate election is held in the beginning of the year of 2006, the election results can be accurately calculated, predicted, and known and only the three main political parties (CPP, FCP, and SRP) will receive votes in such an election as electors are members of these political parties. This means that even though other political parties participate in the election, they will not receive votes because the electors who are members of the National Assembly and the Commune/Sangkat Council will not vote for other parties.

For these reasons, if the law excludes other electoral votes, the coalition of civil society organizations does not support and will not participate in the process of election of members of the senate in 2006. The coalition also believes that money should not be spent for a senate election process which is meaningless. Instead, the senators should be appointed on the basis of the result of the commune council election and the election of members of the National Assembly. For the next senate term, the coalition believes that if the current electoral system is used, the senate results can be determined from the results of the commune council election and the election of members of the National Assembly.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun Coordinator of CHRAC and Executive Director of CDP 012 901 199
 Mr. Koul Panha Executive Director of COMFREL 012 942 017
 Mr. Pol Ham Director of Advocacy Program and Policy, PACT Cambodia 012 616 616
 Mrs. Kek Galabru President of LICADHO 012 802 506
 Mr. Hang Puthea Executive of NICFEC 012 959 666
 Mr. Yang Kim Eng President of KYA 016 828 211
 Mr. Yeng Virak Executive Director of CLEC 012 801 235
 Mr. Chea Vannath Director of CSD 016 831 905
 Mrs. Nay Dina Director of KID 011 924 286
 Mr. Ny Chakrya Monitoring manager of ADHOC 012 920 730
 Mr. Mak Sarath Coordinator of YCC 012 992 401
 Mr. Mom Sarin Executive Director of KKHRA 011 738 975
 Mr. Nhek Sarin Executive Director of STAR Kampuchea 011 725 873
 Mr. Nhem Vanthorn Advocacy and Public Relation manager of CCHR 012 914 873

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