End the Conflict in the Bar Association

Published on 5 July 2005; Cambodia Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC)

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 NGOs, is strongly disappointed by the decision made on June 30 by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court's prosecutor to condemn Mr. Suon Visal and his colleagues for "counterfeiting a seal and letterhead."

CHRAC believes that the accusations made by the prosecutor run counter to legal principles because they lack criminal action; the new stamp was made with majority support of the Bar Council and Mr. Suon Visal had informed all relevant authorities about this new stamp. He therefore did not commit any crime.

According to the Law on the Bar, the Bar is an independent body and its Bar Council can direct the making of the organization's stamp. Article 19 of the Law on the Bar empowers the Bar Council to examine and resolve all problems related to the conduct of the legal profession. The same Article also directs the Bar Council to oversee the Bar's management. Articles 23 - 25 of the Law on the Bar state that if the Bar Council attempts to rule on matters outside its jurisdiction or contrary to existing laws and regulations, the General Prosecutor can file a complaint with the Appeals Court to reject the Council's decision.

The Prosecutor of Phnom Penh Municipal Court has taken an administrative case relating to the internal affairs of Bar and turned it into a criminal case; there have been several other civil cases turned into criminal cases in the past.

CHRAC appeals to Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor of the Appeals Court to intervene in order to end the controversy. CHRAC also calls for the Municipal Court to drop charges against Mr. Suon Visal in order to restore the honor of the Cambodian legal system.

For more information, please contact:
 Mr. Sok Sam Oeun Chairperson of CHRAC, and Executive Director of CDP, Tel: 012 901 199
 Mr. Thun Saray President of ADHOC, Tel: 016 880 509
 Mr. Ham Sunrith LICADHO, Tel: 011 951 311
 Mr. Yung Kim Eng President of KYA, Tel: 016 828 211
 Mr. Mom Sarin President of KKKHRA Tel: 011 738 975

PDF: Download full statement


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