Asian Human Rights Day Campaign 2006: Ratify, Remove, Report and Remedy

Released in December 2006

On Human Rights Day this year, we remind all governments that almost sixty years ago in 1948, world governments adopted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which articulated and codified the rights of all individuals, with the fundamental message that every person is born free and equal with inalienable human rights, simply because he or she is a human being.

Despite this universal recognition decades ago, people continue to suffer from the denial of basic rights throughout the world. We, as human rights defenders in Asia, are particularly concerned about the deteriorating state of human rights in the region, as well as disappearances, extrajudicial killings and persecution of human rights defenders, aggravated by the prevailing culture of impunity for human rights violators and renewed emphasis by Asian governments on "cultural specificities" to justify human rights violations.


Prisoners of Interest

Read through the list of politicians, activists and unionists unjustly arrested for their peaceful activism.

Court Watch

Keep track of court cases against human rights defenders, environmental campaigners and political activists.

Right to Relief

An interactive research project focusing on over-indebted land communities struggling with microfinance debt.

Cambodia's Concessions

Use an interactive map to explore Cambodia’s land concessions.