Comments on the ECCC Draft Internal Rules

Released in November 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee is pleased to note that the Draft Internal Rules for the ECCC ("Rules") include a number of very positive developments that can set a good example for Cambodian law generally. CHRAC welcomes the opportunity to give comments and believes that involving civil society in this historic process will only make the Extraordinary Chambers stronger.

CHRAC has nine main areas of concern regarding the ECCC Draft Internal Rules: 1/The additional power of the Pre-Trial Chamber, 2/The nature of supermajority voting, 3/Protecting defence rights, 4/Ensuring meaningful victim participation, protection and reparations, 5/Providing widespread public access to reasoned decisions of the Court, 6/Preventing in absentia trials, 7/Clarifying the role of the Constitutional Council, 8/Guaranteeing high quality interpretation, 9/Protecting ECCC personnel, victims, witnesses, and accused from defamation and libel actions in the Cambodian courts.


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