
Flash Info | Calls for Justice, Release of Imprisoned Activists on Commemoration of Kem Ley’s Murder

10 July 2024audio available

Youth activists, monks, civil society members and family members of imprisoned activists marched together in Phnom Penh today to mark the 8-year anniversary of the killing of political analyst Kem Ley, calling for justice for him and for the release of imprisoned student movement and environmental activists.

After marches through the capital, at around 9 am the groups gathered at the Caltex Bokor gas station where Kem Ley was murdered on 10 July 2016, shot as he was drinking his morning coffee. The subsequent investigation was inadequate and civil society continues to demand a credible and independent investigation into the murder, while authorities have at times cracked down on attempts to commemorate the anniversary of his death.

Statement | Conviction of Mother Nature Activists is a National Shame

4 July 2024audio available

The Phnom Penh Capital Court’s conviction and sentencing of 10 Mother Nature activists to 6-8 years in prison, and the arrest of five of them on 2 July 2024, is a shame for our nation. Silencing environmental defenders and characterising their peaceful advocacy as a threat to the state is a mockery of justice.

It is well past time for authorities to listen to and work with youth and environmental activists. Stop spending resources harassing, threatening and prosecuting the brave and passionate young people who are working to protect Cambodia’s most precious natural resources.

Flash Info | Mother Nature Activists Imprisoned Far From Each Other and Their Families

3 July 2024

The five Mother Nature activists arrested yesterday after being sentenced to 6-8 years in prison have been sent to five different prisons, some hundreds of kilometres from their residences and families. Splitting up activists to ensure they are detained far from each other and their families is a cruel and unusual punishment that has no precedent in Cambodia.

Thun Ratha was sent to Correctional Center 3 in Tbong Khmum province; Ly Chandaravuth to Kandal prison; Phuon Keoraksmey to Pursat provincial prison; Yim Leanghy to Kampong Speu prison; and Long Kunthea to Preah Vihear prison.

Sending people to prisons far away from their families and lawyers has been recognised as an infringement of people’s human rights by the United Nations. It is also a clear violation of the “Nelson Mandela Rules” for the humane treatment of prisoners, which calls for people in prison to be close to their homes.

Article | Mother Nature Activists Violently Arrested, Sentenced to 6-8 Years

2 July 2024audio available

Ten Mother Nature environmental activists were convicted and sentenced to prison terms of between 6 and 8 years by a Phnom Penh court this morning, while four of the youth activists who were present outside the court were violently arrested by security personnel.

The panel of judges delivered the verdict at the Phnom Penh Capital Court Tuesday morning, concluding the trial that hinged on two criminal charges - plotting and insulting the king — which were related to Mother Nature activists’ peaceful environmental activism.

Statement | Stop Reprisals Against CENTRAL Over Better Factories Report

27 June 2024audio available

The Interior Ministry’s decision to investigate the Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL) for a 4 June report the NGO issued about the Better Factories Cambodia programme is a clear reprisal and an attempt to intimidate an NGO that is committed to improving the freedom of association for all Cambodian workers and unions.

Flash Info | Koh Kong Land Activists Convicted Over Petition Attempt

27 June 2024audio available

Twelve Koh Kong land activists were convicted by a provincial court on incitement charges for attempting to travel to Phnom Penh in 2023 to petition authorities for a resolution to their long-standing land dispute.

The Koh Kong Provincial Court found all 12 defendants guilty of incitement on Wednesday and imposed a suspended sentence of six months in prison. The defendants are Det Huor, Heng Chey, Inn Thou, Lang Cheav, Phav Nheung, Seng Lin, Sok Chey, Soung Theng, Tith Tang, Yi Kunthea, Yoeut Khmao, and Rek Soeung.

In July 2023, the group of activists from three communities were stopped at Srae Ambel district in Koh Kong and prevented from reaching Phnom Penh to deliver a petition to Justice Minister Koeut Rith. A majority of the defendants — including Nheung, Lin, Heng Chey and Sok Chey — have also faced multiple charges in separate cases.

Flash Info | Mother Nature Trial Concludes; Verdict on 2 July

24 June 2024audio available

The Phnom Penh Capital Court concluded the criminal trial against 10 Mother Nature Cambodia activists on Monday, over charges that stem from the movement’s peaceful environmental activism from 2012 to 2021.

The prosecution and defense completed their closing arguments on Monday afternoon, after which presiding judge Ouk Reth Kunthea set 2 July 2024 as the date for delivering a verdict. The court has held five hearings in the case, including today’s session, one of which was boycotted by five of the defendants for restricted access to the trial for their supporters and family.

All 10 activists are charged with Article 453 for plotting and face up to 10 years in prison, whereas three of the activists — Sun Ratha, Yim Leanghy and Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson — face the additional charge of insulting the King under Article 437 bis of the Cambodian criminal code. The seven other defendants are Long Kunthea, Thun Ratha, Phuon Keoraksmey, Ly Chandaravuth, Pork Khoeuy, Binh Piseth and Rai Raksa.

Article | Repeat Defenders: Cambodian Activists Imprisoned More Than Once

24 June 2024

A wave of arrests this year has ensnared a number of activists who had previously been jailed in Cambodia’s notorious prisons, and re-engaged in their activism upon their release. This has led to a growing number of “repeat defenders” – human rights defenders and political activists who are currently serving a second or third prison sentence due to their peaceful activism.

Flash Info | Conviction of Chhorn Phalla, Forestry Activist, Upheld

20 June 2024audio available

On 19 June 2024, the Tbong Khmum Appeal Court upheld the verdict of the Ratanakiri Provincial Court convicting well-known environmental activist Chhorn Phalla of defamation, insult and incitement to commit a felony under Articles 305, 502, and 495 of the Criminal Code.

The decision of the Appeal Court came after Phalla’s trial on 28 May 2024. He faces one year in prison and a 10 million riel (around US$2,500) fine, pending the exhaustion of the appeals process.

Phalla is an outspoken and long-time activist who has endured significant prosecution in the course of his work protecting natural resources and monitoring deforestation. Before his conviction the Ratanakiri Provincial Court earlier this year in this case, he had been imprisoned between September 2021 and October 2023 for convictions in two other cases – both brought against his for his activism – that were subsequently overturned.

Flash Info | President of Student Activist Group Denied Bail

20 June 2024audio available

Koet Saray, President of the Khmer Student Intelligent League Association (KSILA), was denied bail by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court this morning and transferred back to Correctional Centre 1 (CC1) prison.

Over a dozen youth activists gathered outside of the court in support of Saray, who has been imprisoned since his arrest in April 2024 on charges of incitement in relation to ongoing land conflicts in Preah Vihear province.

Saray is also charged with “committing a misdemeanour after sentencing for a misdemeanour,” due to previously being convicted of incitement in 2021 over a peaceful gathering calling for the release of then-imprisoned union leader Rong Chhun. This additional charge potentially doubles the sentence of the new incitement charge, meaning he faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

Flash Info | CATU Union Leader Convicted

20 June 2024audio available

Union leader Chea Chan was convicted today and sentenced to one year in prison by the Kampong Speu Provincial Court over charges of​ being an accomplice to theft, which were filed shortly after Chan unanimously won a union vote at Wing Star Shoes factory. Six months of the one-year sentence were suspended.

Chan has been imprisoned since his arrest in February 2024, while the alleged theft had occurred years earlier. Around 40 workers and union members gathered inside and outside the court today to support Chan, a unionist with the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU). The union has called the charges judicial abuse to stifle freedom of association, and Chan reported receiving threats warning him against forming a union at the factory prior to the union vote.

Chan is one of at least three union leaders imprisoned in Cambodia. Chhim Sithar, president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU), has been imprisoned since November 2022. Morm Rithy, president of the Cambodian Tourism and Service Workers’ Federation, was jailed in May this year prior to an internal union vote.

Flash Info | Kratie Land Community Petitions Government to Stop Land Clearing

19 June 2024audio available

Around 60 community members who are locked in a land dispute linked to an Economic Land Concession (ELC) in Kratie province travelled to Phnom Penh to petition authorities to stop a local company from clearing their land and crops.

Earlier this morning, the families from Sambor district rode in tuk-tuks across the capital and delivered petitions to the Ministry of Interior, Prime Minister’s Cabinet office, and the Land Management Ministry. Authorities had prohibited them from marching on foot to the three destinations.

The people, representing 1,318 families from two villages in Kratie, said a local company Kasekam Youveakchun Svay Rieng Co. Ltd was clearing their land and crops, which is within a previously-dormant ELC granted in 2009 to a Singaporean company named Kamadhenu Ventures (Cambodia).

Statement | Respect Union Freedom and Reinstate Elected Union Leader at Shengbo Garment Factory

12 June 2024audio available

We, a civil society group comprising unions, union federations, associations, and non-governmental organizations committed to promoting human and labor rights in Cambodia, deeply regret the illegal dismissal of Mrs. Roeurn Kolab by Shengbo Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd on June 30, 2023. It has been a year since she faced this injustice. The dismissal of Mrs. Kolab, a newly elected union leader, is a severe violation of the right to freedom of association and union organizing, fundamental to protecting workers’ rights in the workplace.

Flash Info | Mother Nature Activists Boycott Hearing as Access Limited

5 June 2024audio available

Five Mother Nature Movement activists refused to enter the courtroom where they were being tried for plotting against the state this morning, after authorities arbitrarily shut the street and limited some media and supporters from monitoring the public hearing at the Phnom Penh Capital Court.

The five activists – Yim Leanghy, Thun Ratha, Ly Chandaravuth, Phuon Keoraksmey and Long Kunthea – face up to 10 years in prison if convicted of the charges, filed over their peaceful environmental activism. Their trial had its first hearing one week ago, when dozens of supporters and media gathered in front of the courtroom to witness them entering the court.

This morning, some NGOs and observers who had registered in advance were allowed to enter the courtroom, but barricades blocked access to the street in front of the court. Supporters accompanying the Mother Nature activists were prohibited from entering, leading the activists to sit and meditate in protest of the restrictions. The hearing proceeded without any of the charged activists present and consisted primarily of reading transcripts of their previous interviews.

Video | End the Needless Detention of Children in Prisons

1 June 2024audio available

We stand strong with the thousands of children and minors across Cambodia who are locked up in overcrowded and under-resourced prisons. We call on the relevant authorities to stop the excessive detention of children and minors in prison, and to immediately and consistently use alternatives to detention before resorting to imprisonment.

Statement | Imprisonment Must be the Last Resort for Minors, Mothers With Children

31 May 2024

Thousands of children and minors across Cambodia are locked up in overcrowded and under-resourced prisons this Children’s Day. The number of children and minors living in prison, rather than being at home with their families or studying at school, has continued to grow at a staggering rate over the last year. This is deplorable.

LICADHO calls on the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, courts, and law enforcement to stop the excessive detention of children and minors in prison, and to immediately and consistently use alternatives to detention before resorting to imprisonment. It is crucial that children are not placed in overcrowded cells, deprived of basic care, or cut off from their communities. This is not the first time LICADHO has issued this call, but the problem has only become more dire.

Flash Info | Supreme Court Upholds Conviction Against Candlelight Vice President Thach Setha

31 May 2024audio available

The Supreme Court this morning upheld the conviction of the opposition Candlelight Party’s Vice President Thach Setha on the charge of irregular financial payments. Setha, 70, has been imprisoned since January 2023 and was returned to prison to finish his 18-month sentence following the verdict.

Setha is the highest-ranking of the at least 20 Candlelight Party members who are currently imprisoned in Cambodia. Setha’s case arose from a complaint that alleged that he had written five bad cheques in 2019 to repay an outstanding debt to the complainant, Rin Chhay Pawn Shop. The debt was the subject of a previous civil case in which the Appeal Court had ruled in Setha’s favour.

The Phnom Penh Capital Court convicted Setha on 21 September 2023 of irregular financial payments under Article 231 of the Law on Negotiable Instruments and Payment Transactions. This was upheld by the Phnom Penh Appeal Court, and today again upheld in full by the Supreme Court. Setha remains sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay a fine of 3 million riel (around US$750), and must also pay Rin Chhay Pawn Shop the alleged outstanding debt of $33,400 (around 133.6 million riel) and 5 million riel (around $1,250) in compensation.

Flash Info | Mother Nature Movement Trial Begins as Activists Face 10 Years in Prison

29 May 2024audio available

The trial of 10 environmental activists from the Mother Nature Movement on charges of plotting and insulting the king began this morning at the Phnom Penh Capital Court. The activists face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

The environmental activists include Yim Leanghy, Sun Ratha, and Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson, who are charged with insulting the King and plotting under Articles 437-bis and 453 of the Criminal Code. The remaining seven are charged with plotting, and are Thun Ratha, Long Kunthea, Phuon Keoraksmey, Ly Chandaravuth, Binh Piseth, Rai Raksa, and Pork Khoeuy.

Present at the hearing today were Leanghy, Thun Ratha, Chandaravuth, Keoraksmey and Kunthea. All the activists were dressed in mourning outfits of all-white, and after the hearing gathered with supporters and spoke to media in front of the court.

Flash Info | Workers Gather to Support Imprisoned CATU Union Leader

29 May 2024

Around 30 workers gathered outside the Kampong Speu Provincial Court this morning to hold banners and call for the immediate release of Chea Chan, a union leader with the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU) who has been imprisoned since February 2024.

Chan faces between 3 and 10 years in prison on charges of theft with aggravating circumstances, charges that the union has said are judicial abuse intended to stifle freedom of association. Chan served as the president of the union at Wing Star Shoes factory, and was unanimously voted to be the factory’s union president shortly before his arrest. He had reported receiving threats prior to the vote warning him against forming a union in the factory.

Chan is one of at least three imprisoned unionists in Cambodia. Chhim Sithar, president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU), has been imprisoned since November 2022. Morm Rithy, president of the Cambodian Tourism and Service Workers’ Federation, was jailed earlier this month prior to an internal union vote.

Statement | Complaint Against UNDP’s SDG Project Found Eligible for Review

24 May 2024audio available

The internal compliance unit of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has found a complaint filed by LICADHO eligible for an environmental and social compliance review. The complaint was filed by LICADHO on behalf of complainants who have suffered human rights harms from private-sector companies that are promoted under the UN agency’s investment project.

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