International Human Rights Day

Media Album | Communities Across Cambodia Celebrate International Human Rights Day 2023

10 December 2023

At least 3,000 people across Phnom Penh and 12 provinces celebrated International Human Rights Day 2023 this week. International Human Rights Day is itself observed on 10 December each year in recognition of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This year marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UDHR.

International Human Rights Day is itself observed on 10 December each year in recognition of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This year marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the UDHR.

Article | Spotlight on Human Rights Defenders

19 June 2023

Every day, there are people across Cambodia working tirelessly to defend everyone’s rights and freedoms. They do so in the face of relentless persecution, often at the hands of authorities.

These human rights defenders include farmers, company employees, and students who share in the struggles of their communities. Their efforts do not always receive the recognition they deserve, but remain immensely valuable in shaping the future.

Statement | CSOs Call on the Royal Government of Cambodia to Take Concrete Measures to Further Implement the CEDAW Committee’s Recommendations

12 December 2022audio available

During the 16 Days Campaign and on International Human Rights Day 2022, the undersigned national and international civil society organisations, associations, and unions call upon the Royal Government of Cambodia to take specific steps to implement the recommendations in the CEDAW Committee’s 2019 Concluding Observations and further improve women’s human rights in Cambodia.

NGO-CEDAW and partner organisations are releasing the 2021 CEDAW Monitoring Report, which highlights achievements and challenges related to implementing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) during 2021. The report also features a progress report on steps taken to implement the recommendations contained in the CEDAW Committee’s 2019 Concluding Observations following its review of Cambodia’s implementation of the convention.

Media Album | Standing Together for International Human Rights Day 2022

10 December 2022

More than 7,000 people across at least 15 provinces and Phnom Penh gathered to celebrate International Human Rights Day between 4 December and 10 December 2022. Land community members gathered to discuss unresolved land conflicts in their communities; forestry communities discussed the importance and ongoing challenges of protecting natural resources; and unionists highlighted the repression of labour rights and imprisonment of union leader Chhim Sithar. NGO members gathered in Phnom Penh and across the country to participate in events led by communities, and to discuss the human rights situation.

Media Album | International Human Rights Day 2019

10 December 2019

December 10 - Around 6,000 community members and civil society activists participated in events in Phnom Penh and provinces across Cambodia to celebrate International Human Rights Day between December 7 and December 10, 2019.

Several communities reported being threatened by local authorities to not hold events, particularly in Sihanoukville, Kampot, Koh Kong, and Kampong Speu provinces. Some communities went ahead with planned events despite pressure from authorities.

In Phnom Penh, representatives from civil society groups, unions, Buddhist monks and youth groups gathered alongside representatives from various embassies to discuss the importance of human rights at Freedom Park.

Article | 10 Years in Review: Rights Abuses in Cambodia

1 December 2019

To mark International Human Rights Day on December 10 2019, LICADHO is publishing summaries of major events and human rights abuses spanning the last decade. Each day will feature a new year, starting on December 1 with a summary of events in 2010 and culminating on December 10 with a look back at 2019.

Flash Info | Communities Celebrate International Human Rights Day

10 December 2017audio available

More than 3,000 Cambodians have been gathering around the country in over a dozen, mainly rural, locations to celebrate the 69th International Human Rights Day - despite ongoing government restrictions on civil society.

Communities and civil society organisations spoke out about land grabbing, natural resource protection and minority rights in a series of events since Friday.

Despite the current climate of fear, communities, grassroots groups and trade unions demonstrated solidarity in private and public events. Several faced restrictions from local and provincial authorities, including not being allowed to march.

Statement | CSOs Call for Justice and Respect for Human Rights

9 December 2017audio available

On the eve of International Human Rights Day (IHRD) we, the undersigned members of Cambodian civil society, call for an end to government attacks on human rights defenders and civil society groups and the lifting of unjustifiable restrictions on fundamental freedoms.

Respect for fundamental freedoms is a basic requirement for a functioning civil society. It is also guaranteed by the Cambodian constitution and international law.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been longstanding contributors to Cambodia’s post-war peace-building efforts, development and the promotion of human rights and democratic principles. The legitimate work of CSOs must be valued and protected as a fundamental pillar of sustainable development, rather than being wrongly characterised as a threat to national security.

Despite this, the space for civil society has been dramatically diminished in recent months.

Media Album | Justice 2016: Celebrating International Human Rights Day Across Cambodia

13 December 2016

Over 11,000 people across Cambodia joined together in a series of events to celebrate International Human Rights Day 2016.

Celebrations organised by Friends of December 10 across the country saw thousands speak on issues such as free and fair elections, land rights, a living wage for workers, a free and fair judiciary and an end to attacks on fundamental freedoms.

Flash Info | Celebrating International Human Rights Day Across Cambodia

10 December 2016audio available

Thousands of people gathered today to celebrate International Human Rights Day across Cambodia after a week-long series of celebrations across the country.

In Phnom Penh, groups who had planned to gather outside the Council for the Development of Cambodia were forced from the area by para-police and anti-demonstration police. After attempts to gather elsewhere were met with a similar show of force, the group gathered at Freedom Park, where despite a sustained heavy police presence – with about 300 anti-demonstration police positioned around the park – a diverse group of about 1,000 people from unions, communities, other grassroots groups and NGOs joined to celebrate.

Another 12 celebrations took place this morning in eleven different provinces, encompassing marches and processions and public forums. In Kampot, one planned celebration was shut down by district authorities who claimed the group required permission to hold their event.

Flash Info | International Human Rights Day Event Shut Down by Kampot Authorities

9 December 2016audio available

An International Human Rights Day celebration in Kampot province was shut down this afternoon by provincial authorities, who also threatened to halt a further two events planned for tomorrow.

About 80 community members attempted to gather this afternoon to discuss human rights in a public forum in Svay Ang, in Kampot. A group of local authorities, led by a Chhouk district official, ordered the villagers to halt the forum and dismantle the meeting tent after Kampot’s governor claimed the group required permission to hold their event. Authorities also said that another two celebrations planned for tomorrow in Kampot would not be allowed.

Thousands of Cambodians have gathered and marched to celebrate International Human Rights Day throughout Cambodia over the past week, organised by Friends of December 10th. Celebrations will culminate tomorrow, with 14 events planned in Phnom Penh and various provinces.

Statement | Thousands Celebrating International Human Rights Day across Cambodia

6 December 2016audio available

From December 2 until December 10, a series of 35 events across Cambodia will see thousands of people in 17 provinces and Phnom Penh celebrate International Human Rights Day 2016.

Events will largely take place in rural Cambodia, where grassroots groups including communities affected by land conflicts, youth networks, associations, and monks as well as unions and NGOs around the country will hold a series of celebrations under the theme of ‘Justice2016’. In Phnom Penh and four of Cambodia’s provincial towns – Siem Reap, Battambang, Sisophon and Sihanoukville – larger events will see groups from surrounding communities coming together to celebrate in solidarity.

Flash Info |  International Human Rights Day Celebrations Begin

4 December 2016audio available

International Human Rights Day celebrations kicked off this weekend with a march in Kampong Chhnang and gatherings in Phnom Penh.

In Kampong Chhnang, about 250 people from Lor Peang, Samrong, Buntheay Meas, Savong and Boeung Kak communities from around the province - which have all been affected by land conflicts - were joined by monks, NGOs and other groups for the five-kilometre march, which ended with a public forum on human rights. In Phnom Penh, about 100 people from Boeung Chhouk and Damnak Trayoeung communities also gathered to celebrate with community-wide forums on human rights, including calling for the release of imprisoned human rights defenders.

The celebrations were among the first in a series of events celebrating IHRD across the country which will take place over the next week.

Livestream | Groups Across Cambodia Celebrate International Human Rights Day 2015

9 December 2015

From December 6 to December 10, groups across Cambodia are celebrating the 67th anniversary of IHRD under the theme of ‘Justice’. Join us as we share events across the country and recap on events so far.

Statement | LICADHO Cancels IHRD Prison Activities for the First Time in 20 Years Due to Prohibitive Restrictions

6 December 2015audio available

LICADHO will not be able to conduct activities planned in 18 prisons for International Human Rights Day (IHRD) on December 10, 2015 due to prohibitive written conditions set by the General Department of Prisons (GDP).

Statement | Thousands Set to Celebrate International Human Rights Day Across the Country

4 December 2015audio available

Thousands of Cambodians in 16 provinces will gather to celebrate the 67th International Human Rights Day (IHRD), culminating in a joint celebration in Phnom Penh on December 10.

From December 6 onward, grassroots groups such as communities affected by land conflicts, youth networks, associations, and monks as well as unions and NGOs across the country will hold a series of celebrations under an overall theme of ‘Justice’.

Statement | LICADHO Cancels its Long-Time International Women’s Day Activities in Prisons due to Government Restrictions

5 March 2015audio available

It is with deep regret that LICADHO announces it will not conduct annual activities in Cambodian prisons this year for International Women’s Day, which will be celebrated on March 8.

For over 15 years LICADHO has visited Cambodian prisons on International Women’s Day (IWD) to provide care packages to female prisoners, female guards and to the children living in prison with their mothers. In the past 10 years, LICADHO has also coordinated special entertainment in prisons including speeches, games, traditional dancing and shows performed by the prisoners themselves. The activities have been well received by the prisoners and used to be supported by the prison authorities.

Media Album | Marching for International Human Rights Day 2014

15 December 2014

To celebrate International Human Rights Day (IHRD) this year, 600 monks marched alongside land activists, associations, unions, rural and urban residents, and NGOs, on six national roads towards Phnom Penh from December 5 to December 10. This year’s IHRD theme was “Respecting Human Rights Leads to Peace!” For the first time, indigenous communities in Ratanakiri province participated in IHRD by organizing their own march on National Road 7, which began on December 4.

Livestream | International Human Rights Day 2014

9 December 2014

Tomorrow is International Human Rights Day and a number celebrations, led by a variety of groups, are due to take place in Phnom Penh. Hundreds of peace marchers, who have been walking from across the country over the last five days, will come together in the capital to submit petitions at the National Assembly. Events will also be held by unions, the opposition party and a coalition of NGOs. LICADHO will be livestreaming events from across the city throughout the day.

Flash Info | Security forces block peace marches for International Human Rights Day outside Phnom Penh

9 December 2014

This morning at Kros village, Samrong commune, Prek Phnov district, Phnom Penh, 150 police, military police, and security guards, have blocked 80 peace marchers along National Road 5 from entering the city.

About 30 security guards in Pou Senchey district are also gathering to block marchers entering Phnom Penh between Kombol commune and Kantouk commune, on National Road 4, while security forces have also been mobilizing to block National Roads 1, 2, and 6.

Marchers from all six national roads are planning to reach pagodas in Phnom Penh this afternoon to sleep overnight before marching to the National Assembly to submit petitions on International Human Rights Day.

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