
Article | Cambodia Monthly News Summary

1 February 2010

* Human Rights Watch Releases Report on Mistreatment in Cambodian Drug Detention Centers * Opposition Leader Convicted of Racial Incitement * UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Visits Cambodia

Statement | Unlawful Detention & Alleged Torture by Ministry of Interior

11 March 2008

The Cambodian League for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (LICADHO) is gravely concerned by the unlawful detention and alleged torture of a man in the custody of the Ministry of Interior.

Mr Priep Pov, a Damnak Chang’aeur district policeman from Kep Municipality, was arrested without court warrant in Kep on February 18. Transferred to Phnom Penh on the same day, he has since been detained for three weeks at a compound used by the Ministry of Interior's Order Police and the Intervention Police units. He has been beaten and kept shackled with handcuffs by foot and hand for at least some of that time, and is in poor health, according to credible information received by LICADHO.

Presentation | Human Rights in Cambodia Presentation 2006

11 August 2006

A slideshow presentation on Human Rights situation in Cambodia 2006.

Statement | More prosecutions needed to eradicate torture

25 July 2006

Following the unprecedented 12-year prison sentences given last week to six Phnom Penh police officers for their roles in the torture and death of a woman in police custody, LICADHO urges greater action to investigate and prosecute other similar cases of torture.

"For the first time in years, if not decades, police officers have been convicted and sentenced to long prison terms for their involvement in torture," said Kek Galabru, LICADHO's president. "But one prosecution alone does not indicate a meaningful change in the official attitude toward the use of torture - the authorities must also prosecute other similar cases if they are serious about eliminating torture in Cambodia."

Statement | Indepentent Police Complaints Body Needed

29 June 2005

Cambodia should establish an independent body to receive and investigate complaints of torture and other abuses committed by police officers, according to LICADHO.

"Torture is all too common in Cambodia and it is time for meaningful action to prevent and punish this brutal practice," said Kek Galabru on June 26, the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. "Establishing an independent agency to investigate such abuses committed by the police is long overdue."

Presentation | Presentation on LICADHO's Structure and Activities

1 November 2004

Presentation providing an overview of the background, structure and activities of the Cambodian League for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (LICADHO). Includes information on human rights problems in Cambodia and the responses to these problems by each of LICADHO's six program offices.

Media Album | Project Against Torture

1 January 2003

The Project Against Torture assists victims of torture with a comprehensive range of services for their mental and physical rehabilitation. It is the only program of its kind in Cambodia.



