
Article | Supporters Demand Freedom for Scapegoats convicted of Chea Vichea's murder

1 August 2006

On August 1, 2006 at 11:00am approximately 80 family members, friends, monks, union workers and NGO workers, gathered in front of the Police Judicial (PJ) Prison to call for the release of Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun. August 1 marks the one year anniversary of their conviction at what was widely considered a show trial for the assassination of union leader Chea Vichea.

Article | More prosecutions needed to eradicate torture in Cambodia

26 July 2006

On Friday, July 21, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court convicted six police officers of voluntary manslaughter for the death of Duong Sopheap, who died after being detained at the Phnom Penh Municipal Police's Minor Crimes Office in June 2005. All six, who were arrested by Ministry of Interior officers six months after Duong Sopheap's death, were sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Following the unprecedented sentences given last week to the six police officers for their roles in the torture and death of a woman in police custody, LICADHO urges greater action to investigate and prosecute other similar cases of torture in Cambodia.

Statement | More prosecutions needed to eradicate torture

25 July 2006

Following the unprecedented 12-year prison sentences given last week to six Phnom Penh police officers for their roles in the torture and death of a woman in police custody, LICADHO urges greater action to investigate and prosecute other similar cases of torture.

"For the first time in years, if not decades, police officers have been convicted and sentenced to long prison terms for their involvement in torture," said Kek Galabru, LICADHO's president. "But one prosecution alone does not indicate a meaningful change in the official attitude toward the use of torture - the authorities must also prosecute other similar cases if they are serious about eliminating torture in Cambodia."

Statement | Concerns over use of Disinformation Article under UNTAC law to silence journalists

11 July 2006

The Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC) is very worried about the fact that persons from within or close to the Cambodian government are using Article 62 of the UNTAC law on "disinformation" against journalists who criticized them. The recent complaint against two Cambodian journalists have been filed only a few weeks after that the National Assembly has taken the prison terms out of Article 63 of the UNTAC law on criminal defamation recently. The AFEC is afraid that there was no change of attitude behind this minor legal reform.

Article | Sparrows Released During Vigil at Prey Sar Prison near Phnom Penh

10 July 2006

On July 6, 2006, more than 250 family members, villagers from Sambok Chab, NGOs workers and union workers gathered in front of Prey Sar prison to demand the immediate and unconditional release of three detainees. The three had been arrested and detained in relation to the Sambok Chap village eviction which ended on June 6, 2006 in an excessive display of force by the authorities. The event was organized by several NGOs and was initiated by the Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC).

Statement | Concern about the use of force in eviction at Preah Monivong Hospital

4 July 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) and the Cambodian League for the Promotion & Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) condemn the forced evictions by police authorities of 168 families living near Preah Monivong Hospital in Phnom Penh.

According to residents, three people suffered injuries caused by violence committed by the police while evicting some of the families on the morning of July 2, 2006. One person was reportedly removed from the scene by police and instructed to thumbprint an agreement to leave his house, and the police threatened other residents and demolished their houses regardless of whether they consented to leave or not.

Statement | Concerns on eviction of 168 families in Preah Monivong Hospital

29 June 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGO members, is concerned about the eviction of 168 families who have been living in Preah Monivong Hospital.

CHRAC observed that the Ministry of Interior sent its forces of more than 200 personnel equipped with arms, tear-gas guns, electric shock batons and shields to surround and force people to move from their houses to a new location situated in Ang Snuol district, Kandal province, more than 30 km away from Phnom Penh. The armed forces prevented people from entering or leaving the area to communicate with each other, and disconnected water and electricity. In particular, they prohibited human rights monitors and journalists from monitoring the eviction process.

Statement | UN Human Rights Council must tackle deteriorating human rights situation on the ground

19 June 2006

Today, a historic moment will take place as the newly created United Nations Human Rights Council convenes its first-ever session in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19- 30 June. On this occasion, the Cambodian Human Rights and Development (ADHOC), the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), and the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) submitted the written statement to the Council to appeal for urgent actions on deteriorating human rights situation in Cambodia.

Article | Frenzied development in Cambodia pushes its people out of the capital to squalid conditions

14 June 2006

At the early hour of 4 am on June 6, 2006 around 700 police and military police in full riot gear circled Sambok Chap village and erected roadblocks - as far as 1km away - to prevent access to the village. In a show of determined force rarely seen in the capital, the police build up would be the final push by the authorities to forcefully evict the remaining residents of Sambok Chap village on the banks of the Tonle Bassac River.

The eviction of Sambok Chap village by the Sour Srun Company began on May 3, 2006, and was authorized by the Phnom Penh municipality. Within a month, more than 1300 families would be moved from this central location to 2 relocation sites, some 20km out of central Phnom Penh.

Statement | Forced Eviction of Sambok Chab Village

7 June 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), the Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF) and the Resettlement Action Network (RAN) are deeply troubled by the actions of the Phnom Penh municipality for using excessive force to evict and dismantle houses of the residents of Sambok Chab village, and in their arrest of nine persons including residents, journalists and NGO staff.

On 6 June 2006, approximately one thousand police and military police forces gathered in Sambok Chab village heavily armed with rifles, electric batons, tear gas and riot gear. They threatened human rights monitors and local and international journalists, and then confiscated their cameras and prevented them from recording police actions. The Phnom Penh Municipality chose to use violent means against the poor people rather than using a non-violent, transparent approach.

Briefing | Threats to Human Rights Defenders in Cambodia 2005

1 June 2006audio available

The situation for human rights defenders in Cambodia deteriorated markedly in 2005. Human rights advocates, community activists and trade union leaders have been among those targeted for their work defending basic human rights. The intimidation they faced included physical and verbal assaults, malicious lawsuits and criminal charges, arrests and detentions. These were symptomatic of a year marked by attacks on civil society and increasing intolerance towards criticism of the Government.

While physical violence towards human rights defenders has decreased over recent years, there has been a shift towards other forms of coercion and intimidation with a veneer of legality.

Report | Human Rights in Cambodia: The Facade of Stability 2006

1 June 2006audio available

Beneath the veneer of political stability and economic development, the people of Cambodia continue to suffer.

Cambodians are increasingly subject to a wide range of human rights abuses - often committed by State personnel such as police and military - with little recourse to justice in Cambodia's notoriously corrupt and politicized courts. Land conflicts arising from private claims or large economic land concessions are evicting thousands of families from their homes every year, depriving them of education, health services and other essentials while fuelling poverty and discontent.

Cambodia's police and judiciary, universally deemed as rife with corruption and impunity, fail on a daily basis to provide any semblance of justice for victims of human rights abuses.

Media Album | Tonle Bassac Eviction

1 June 2006

A day- by-day chronology in photographs of the Sambok Chap village eviction.

Statement | Concern over the eruption of Violence in Sambok Chab Village

31 May 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) and Housing Rights Task Forces (HRTF) are gravely concerned with the ongoing human rights abuses leveled against the residents in Sambok Chab village (Village 14), Khan Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh.

Violence erupted this morning when village guards began destroying a home at the site. The demolition of homes led to the injury of two community members-a young girl and a pregnant woman. The young child required hospitalization due to the injury. These incidents, coupled with the deteriorating conditions in Sambok Chab, led to a violent reaction by the community. Villagers armed with sticks and rocks destroyed village offices and a fence surrounding the site in an expression of their anger and frustration with the eviction process.

Statement | International Children's Day 2006

29 May 2006

On June 1, 2006, LICADHO will commemorate this day through activities promoting children's rights and distributing essential material and food to children and pregnant women in prison.

The activities will highlight the situation of child trafficking, child sexual exploitation and child labour. In 2005, 304 cases of child rights abuse and exploitation were reported to LICADHO alone, a substantial increase of 20.2% from the previous year. Of these cases, rape represented the highest incident of abuse, at almost 70% of total reported cases.

Statement | Resolution over the Land Disputes in Kbal Spean Village

25 May 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 local NGOS, is pleased with the reported resolution of the long-standing land dispute in Kbal Spean Village, Poi Pet Commune, Banteay Meanchey province. But CHRAC remains concerned by the lack of justice provided over the killings of five people during the 2005 eviction of Kbal Spean community.

Provincial authorities, reportedly acting on the instructions of the Prime Minister, last week negotiated a settlement between 218 families living on the land and their village chief, who had laid claim to all their land. The settlement permits the families, who had previously each had 10-meter-by-20 meter plots of land, to retain 8-meter-by-20 meter plots of land. The remaining land goes to the village chief.

Statement | Civil Society Urges the Cambodian Government to fully Implement the Statute of the International Criminal Court

12 May 2006

On 5 May 2006 more than 50 representatives of Cambodian and international Human Rights NGOs gathered to launch a report prepared by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) with the active participation of the Cambodian Association for Human Rights and Development (ADHOC) on the implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), ratified by Cambodia on 11 April 2002.

NGOs endorsed the recommendations contained in the Report on "ICC - Adaptation of Cambodian Law to the Rome Statute".

The ICC is the first permanent international criminal court with jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by nationals or on the territory of State Parties after 1 July 2002. Cambodia is one of the only Asian States to be a party to this historic institution.

Statement | Eviction of People in Sambok Chab Village

4 May 2006

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGOs, is concerned with the measures taken by the Khan Daun Penh authority and the Phnom Penh municipality to relocate people who live in village 14 (Sambok Chab village) Khan Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh to a new location situated in Trapeang Anh Chanh village, Sangkat Trapeang Kra Sang, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh.

CHRAC has carried out a thorough investigation of this case and has found that it is unclear how the new land will be distributed in fairness, since the statistics put together by the people in six communities and the statistic of local authority are different. This has led people to feel unsure of whether they will be relocated or not. Furthermore, the authority has not yet built basic and adequate infrastructures and services such as health center, school, market, sewers, and electricity system at the new location.

Statement | Selection of Judges and Prosecutors for the Khmer Rouge Tribunal

2 May 2006

The members of the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGOs, welcome the news that the Supreme Council of the Magistracy will this week select the judges and prosecutors for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC).

This is a very important decision and will have important implications for the future of Cambodia and Cambodians. The efficient conduct of the trials in accordance with the principles of international law will further enhance Cambodia's international reputation. Trials, open to the public, will also help Cambodians to move on from the long period of civil conflict which included the Khmer Rouge period. By participating in the Tribunal judges, prosecutors and lawyers will gain valuable experience and skills, which will help them to participate in the implementation of the Government's legal and judicial reform program.

Article | Cambodian workers overcome repression to celebrate May Day

1 May 2006

Around two thousand factory workers gathered at the Independence Monument and later in front of the National Assembly to celebrate May Day, despite the efforts by hundreds of police to stop workers entering Phnom Penh. Organisers of the rally were officially refused permission to hold the event, with the Ministry of Interior claiming the site was already being used by the pro-Government Cambodian Confederation of Trade Unions (CCTU). Yet, media reported that the CCTU held an event - attended by Prime Minister Hun Sen and aired on Apsara television station - on the night of Sunday April 30. Workers present at the rally reported that the CCTU's planned rally failed to happen.

On the basis of this disingenuous excuse, police undertook a coordinated effort to prevent workers entering Phnom Penh. LICADHO strongly condemns this restriction to people's freedom of movement.

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