
Presentation | Presentation on LICADHO's Structure and Activities

1 November 2004

Presentation providing an overview of the background, structure and activities of the Cambodian League for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (LICADHO). Includes information on human rights problems in Cambodia and the responses to these problems by each of LICADHO's six program offices.

Report | Human Rights Monitoring and Protection 3rd Quarter Report 2004

1 November 2004

The following report represents activities conducted by the Monitoring Office, comprised of the Investigations Unit and the Prison Project Unit, during the third quarter of 2004 in Cambodia. It also outlines the achievements, accomplishments and problems encountered within those units.

Article | Police intervene to disperse demonstration by Sihanoukville factory workers

7 October 2004

On October 4, 2004, more than 1,000 workers from the Rav Yu garment factory in Sihanoukville began a protest demanding improved working conditions and the reinstatement of 41 co-workers who had been fired during a labor dispute in September.

Report | Human Rights and Cambodia's Prisons: 2002 & 2003 Report on Prison Conditions

1 October 2004

This report describes human rights violations in Cambodia's prisons in 2002 and 2003. It identifies several urgent issues in Cambodia's prisons: severe overcrowding, children and minors in prison, bribes and corruption and torture. These violations of prisoners' human rights occur despite legal protections set out in international and national law which Cambodian authorities are required to respect.

LICADHO urges the government to take immediate and concerted action to remedy the inadequate conditions of Cambodia's prisons and to address the human rights abuses which are documented.

Report | Human Rights and Cambodia's Prisons: 2002 & 2003 Health Report

1 October 2004

There is a clear connection between systemic human rights violations in Cambodia's prisons and reduced prisoner health. There are many examples of this interconnection between health and human rights. For instance, prison overcrowding facilitates the spread of infectious disease. Torture is an obvious violation of health rights as victims suffer serious physical and psychological injury. This report seeks to highlight these connections and outline the prison health issues of most pressing concern in 2002 and 2003.

LICADHO urges the government to take immediate and concerted action to address the extremely serious health issues in Cambodian prisons.

Briefing | Rule of Law in Cambodia 2004

1 October 2004

This briefing paper proposes several recommendations which are required to strengthen respect for the rule of law in Cambodia. It examines key issues which must be addressed to allow the development of a healthy legal system promoting liberal democracy and human rights. Among the issues identified are: the reform of existing institutions, establishment of new commissions and legislative packages, amendments to the constitution and effective codes of conduct for officials.

Article | Military police officer in Sihanoukville convicted of rape and robbery, sentenced to 15 years

16 September 2004

On Monday 13 September, Sihanoukville Provincial Court ruled that Military Police Officer Khun Torn was guilty of raping and robbing a Canadian tourist at gun point.

Article | Police crack-down on demonstrators violates Cambodian Constitution

7 September 2004

LICADHO staff in Phnom Penh was called to monitor demonstrators protesting the recent rise in gasoline prices in Cambodia. Despite the peaceful nature of the march, the municipal police detained seven demonstrators as they approached the Khan Chamcar Mon police station.

Article | Violence erupts during labor demonstrations in Kandal and Kampong Chhnang

26 August 2004

LICADHO monitors in Kampong Chhnang province investigated the demonstration of approximately 3,000 workers when violence broke out on the third day of protesting factory labor conditions. Workers from the International Garment Im Ve company (MTV) in Tuol Kralanh Village, Kampong Chhnang commune, district and province have been demonstrating in front of the factory since August 23.

Article | LICADHO protects a wife and her children from abuse

11 August 2004

A uniformed soldier, accompanied by two civilians, arrived at LICADHO's Phnom Penh office yelling and screaming. According to the soldier's wife, who was in one of LICADHO's office with her 3 children, the soldier, who had a history of alcoholism and aggressive behaviour, had sent his 17 year old stepdaughter a love letter and then attempted to rape her.

Statement | Full investigation needed into adoption corruption & abuses

5 August 2004

LICADHO urges the government to fully investigate alleged crimes - including payments of thousands of dollars to Cambodian government employees - connected to the adoptions of Cambodian children to the United States.

Document | Speech on Rule of law in Cambodia

1 August 2004

Resume of a speech done by Dr. Kek Galabru, president of LICADHO, on august 11, 2004 about required reforms in Cambodia to promote democracy, human rights and rule of law.

Article | Meeting to stop sexual exploitation by tourists

22 July 2004

France and Japan are the two biggest donors to Cambodia. In this photo, the President of LICADHO, Dr. Kek Galabru, participates in a working breakfast at the residence of the French Ambassador, Yvon Roé D'Albert. Also present are the French Minister of Tourism, Leon Bertrand during his official trip to Asia; Mrs. Roé D'Albert; and Caroline Bakker, Head of Children in Need of Special Protection at UNICEF. France has been very willing to help stop sexual exploitation by tourists.

Statement | CHRAC denounces the package vote

7 July 2004

According to an Agreement to Cooperate dated 30 June 2004, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and the FUNCINPEC Party "have agreed, in the spirit of ensuring the normal functioning of state institutions, to choose a package vote for the election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly and for the vote of confidence in the Royal Government at the beginning of the parliamentary session to be chaired by the Dean of the Members of the Parliament." We, the representatives of Cambodian NGOs, reject this “package vote” as well as its justification for the following reasons: ...

Statement | CHRAC sends a petition to the King

7 July 2004

We, the Members of the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), COMFREL and NICFEC, kindly request the King to issue a statement of opinion on the “package vote” procedure proposed for the creation of the new government.

Report | The Situation of Women in Cambodia 2004

1 July 2004

Report portraying the social life of women in Cambodia and problems some of them are facing in diverse sectors such as education and equality in law. The report includes recommendations for actions that can be taken to improve the situation of women in Cambodia.

Report | Cambodian Human Rights 2004

1 July 2004

LICADHO presents its on-going concerns in this report on the human rights environment in Cambodia, 2004. Many important strides have been taken in recent years particularly though the hard-work and dedication of human rights professionals, however, Cambodia's human rights record remains poor. This report outlines the urgent need to address human rights concerns within the country, as well as the importance of international recognition and support for the work of independent human rights organizations.

Statement | More action against torture needed

26 June 2004

Stronger action is necessary to prevent and punish the rampant use of torture in Cambodia, according to LICADHO. “Countless Cambodian men, women and children have their lives destroyed by acts of torture,” said LICADHO president Kek Galabru.

Statement |  CHRAC denounces restrictions on the right to travel

11 June 2004

At a meeting in Ratanakiri on June 10, 2004, the Provincial governor informed NGO representatives that in future, permission would be required to leave the province.CHRAC strongly supports people’s right to travel freely and condemns any attempt to prevent people; and calls upon the Royal government of Cambodia and local authorities to immediately withdraw all such restrictions on travel.

Statement | CHRAC condemns the restrictions on freedom of expression

1 June 2004

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 17 local human rights NGOs, strongly condemns the crackdown on the peaceful demonstration to demand a decrease in the gasoline price by the Student Movement for Democracy association in Phnom Penh on June 1, 2004, and the arrest of 5 demonstrators.

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