
Statement | Crackdown on Demonstration of Factory Workers

13 July 2003

CHRAC condemned the continued crackdown on striking factory workers by Phnom Penh police which resulted in the death of one demonstrator, and appealed to the Cambodian government to investigate the events which occurred during the demonstration.

Statement | Phnom Penh Police Crackdown on non- violent Demonstration

12 June 2003

CHRAC appealed to the government to respect the people's rights guaranteed in the Constitution after a police crackdown on a peaceful demonstration by Terratex garment factory workers striking for better working conditions.

Statement | CAMBOW disappointed in decision not to allow march

23 May 2003

CAMBOW expressed its disappointment that the government refused to allow a peaceful demonstration by victims of domestic violence, claiming that it would affect security and public order.

Statement | CHRAC condemns crackdown on peaceful demonstration

21 May 2003

CHRAC condemned the crackdown by police on people peacefully demonstrating in front of the National Assembly to preserve the parliamentary immunity of Sam Rainsy Party legislator Cheam Channy.

Report | A Preliminary Study into the Accessibility by Minors of Pornography in Cambodia

1 May 2003

This study, released by the Child Welfare Group in May 2003, assessed the availability of pornography to minors as a first step toward determining whether pornography might influence young people to commit sexual assault.

Statement | CHRAC concerned about murder of Phnom Penh judge

23 April 2003

CHRAC expressed concern that the independence of the judiciary would be further compromised by the murder of prominent Cambodian judge Sok Sethamony.

Report | Torture in Police Custody 2003

1 April 2003

This report examines the nature, extent and possible causes of torture in police custody in Cambodia during 2001 and 2002. It is hoped that the information in this paper will be used to raise awareness among government officials and the general public to the situation of torture in police custody.

Statement | Ban on non- violent demonstrations violates the Constitution

20 March 2003

CHRAC cited the ban on a demonstration demanding the release of law student Ken Sara from prison, and the barring of journalists and human rights workers from the event, as violations of Article 37 of the Constitution.

Statement | CHRAC regrets the murder of Om Radsady

19 February 2003

CHRAC condemned the killing of Om Radsady, senior advisor to Prince Ranariddh, and noted its chilling effect on the political atmosphere ahead of the national elections in July 2003.

Statement | Statement on January, 2003 Anti Thai riots

6 February 2003

CHRAC and others expressed regret over the impact of the anti- Thai riots on Cambodia's economy and diplomatic relations. It also noted with concern the effect of the riots on the democratic process before the July 2003 elections.

Statement | Mr. Mom Sonando, Director of Sambok Khmum Radio (Beehive Radio) must be Promptly Released

4 February 2003

Following the anti- Thai riots of January 29th, 2003, CHRAC called on the Cambodian government to release Mom Sonando, Director of Beehive radio. CHRAC emphasized that his arrest was groundless and that proper legal procedures had not been followed.

Statement | CHRAC supports Senate elections

9 January 2003

CHRAC and others expressed strong support for holding a general election to select the Senate, opposing the idea of appointing the Senate as had been proposed by some parties who cited the government's budget constraints.

Media Album | Women's Rights Office

1 January 2003

LICADHO plays an active role in promoting the rights of women and gender awareness.

Statement | CAMBOW addresses issues in the Draft Domestic Violence Law

1 January 2003

CAMBOW held a public hearing at which domestic violence victims shared their experiences with key Senators and MPs. CAMBOW also raised several problems in the draft DV law, including a clause allowing a victim to be removed from her home in domestic violence complaints.

Media Album | Human Rights Education Office

1 January 2003

The Human Rights Education office increases awareness and understanding of human rights in Cambodia through its various programs.

Media Album | Forms of Child Labor

1 January 2003

The Children’s Rights Office created innovative networks to monitor communities for worst forms of child labor and trafficking.

Media Album | Monitoring Office

1 January 2003

The Monitoring office is at the core of LICADHO's work to promote respect for human right and rule of law in Cambodia.

Media Album | Medical Office

1 January 2003

The care provided by the Medical office is an essential part of the services LICADHO offers to victims, providing direct treatment, interventions with the public health system, and support for the legal process.

Media Album | Children’s Rights Office

1 January 2003

LICADHO’s Children’s Rights office promotes and defends the rights of children through its networks, monitoring and advocacy activities.

Media Album | Children’s Rights Educational Material

1 January 2003

The Children’s Rights office created innovative educational material and a participatory learning approach to introduce child rights concepts to children as well as adults.

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