Weekly Calendar

LICADHO tracks and monitors trial hearings involving human rights defenders, political activists, unionists, journalists, and other cases of interest. Not all cases defended or monitored by LICADHO appear in this calendar.

Individuals with an asterisk next to their name are represented by LICADHO lawyers. Those with an underline are currently detained.



  • July 18, 8:30AM, Siem Reap Provincial Court
    Verdict announcement on the charge of "fell trees, encroach and clear forest land, set forest fire, and bulldoze forestlands to claim ownership".
    Breng Hing*, San Seth*, San Sre*


Prisoners of Interest

Read through the list of politicians, activists and unionists unjustly arrested for their peaceful activism.

Court Watch

Keep track of court cases against human rights defenders, environmental campaigners and political activists.

Right to Relief

An interactive research project focusing on over-indebted land communities struggling with microfinance debt.

Cambodia's Concessions

Use an interactive map to explore Cambodia’s land concessions.