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Domestic & Sexual Violence Leaflets 
Read or listen to this leaflet to learn about domestic violence and your rights. This leaflet can help you understand the relevant charges and penalties, the options to file a legal complaint, and authorities’ responsibilities.
This leaflet shares information about rape and sexual violence. You can read or listen to this leaflet to learn about these types of violence, your rights, the potential criminal charges and prison sentences involved, and seeking justice.
Safety Tips for People At-Risk of Domestic & Sexual Violence 
Domestic and sexual violence are criminal offences and you should never have to live with violence. However, there are situations in which you and your children might remain at ongoing risk of harm. The questions below could help you think about your safety and provide ideas to help you plan.
You deserve support from authorities, organisations, your family and your community. You can contact the organisations below for further information about your legal, safety and other options.
Using These Tips
You might remain at risk of violence in situations such as:
- If you are living with someone who is or might be violent;
- If you are preparing to leave or divorce a partner who might react violently;
- If you have divorced or separated and you’re worried about them returning; or
- If a perpetrator otherwise continues living nearby.
While it is not your responsibility to stop the violence, it can be helpful to plan practical steps to increase your safety before and during crises.
The questions below can help you plan before violence escalates. You might have taken these steps already. Other ideas might not be relevant to your situation, or even possible for you. That is okay. Just focus on the resources and strengths you have available.
Do not take steps that will put you in further danger if the perpetrator becomes aware of them. Trust your judgement: you know best what will keep you and your children safe.
To make a plan to support your safety, consider the following questions:
Who can I ask for help before and during an emergency? How can they help me?
Consider if a family member, friend, neighbour, elder, monk, boss, colleague, local authority, police, or NGO could help. It can be difficult to reach out for help, but trusted people can play an essential role in keeping you and your children safer.
Different people might be able to provide different types of support, such as: emotional support, intervention in emergencies, childcare, housing, transport, financial support, legal information, or essential items like clothing.
Consider asking neighbours to call for help if they hear or see violence.
It might also be helpful to create a “code word” or other signal with someone who can help in an emergency. A code word is a random word or phrase that you choose and discuss with trusted people before you’re in a dangerous situation. You can then say the agreed code word in a call or message to ask that person for immediate help without the perpetrator knowing.
Where can I go to stay safer? Where can my children go?
Consider immediately going elsewhere if a threat is escalating or you feel unsafe. Consider in advance where you and your children could go. Your options might include a trusted person’s house, an authority, a pagoda, or other public place such as a market, busy street, village centre, restaurant or store.
Think about transport and how you would get there in an emergency. Consider places where you could stay either short or long-term.
Are there any phone numbers I might need in an emergency?
If you have access to a phone, consider saving a list of contact details for police, local authorities, and other trusted people. Alternatively, consider memorising at least one essential phone number.
Which areas of my home are safest?
If a threat is escalating or you feel unsafe, consider if you can move towards the safest area of your home.
Some areas might be safer because they are easy to escape from via doors or windows. Other areas might be less safe because they have dangerous heights (such as stairs, balconies and rooftops) or dangerous items that could be used as a weapon by the perpetrator (such as kitchen knives or farming tools).
Consider if you can store items that could be used as weapons out-of-sight or in hard-to-reach places.
How can I help my children be prepared and stay safer?
Consistently offer your children reassurance and affection. Emphasise that any violence is not their fault. Assure them they should not try to intervene or protect you.
Depending on your child’s age, consider teaching them in advance what to do if a threat is escalating or they see or hear violence. Consider teaching them the step-by-step actions they can take, such as going to or hiding in a safe place and alerting others that you need help.
Discuss in advance which places are safest, how they will get there, who they can ask to help, and how to find any important phone numbers.
If I am preparing to leave, what essential items would I need to take with me?
It might be dangerous to return home after leaving, especially if you plan to divorce or separate. Consider if you can safely take items such as your:
- Keys
- Cash or valuables
- Phone
- Basic clothing
- Children’s items
- Important documents (such as ID cards or birth certificates)
- Medication
Consider if you can keep a small bag packed with essential items in case you need to leave quickly. Alternatively, consider keeping essential items at a safer place before leaving, such as at a trusted person’s home or your workplace.
Can I increase my financial independence from the perpetrator?
Consider if you can increase your financial independence by:
- Saving money
- Hiding your valuables such as cash and gold
- Keeping money and valuables with a trusted person
- Opening your own bank account
- Joining a saving group
- Increasing your own income
Are there risks of the perpetrator harming me or my children at work, university or school?
Consider informing trusted, appropriate people at the workplace, university or school about any potential risks to you or your children’s safety. Explain how they can help you, such as by not disclosing your location, not allowing the perpetrator to enter the premises, and not allowing a child to leave with them.
If a perpetrator comes to your workplace or school, consider staying inside until you are sure they have left the area. Alternatively, assess in advance the safest way to leave.
Are there risks of the perpetrator harming me or my children while commuting?
If possible, consider travelling by different means and/or by a different route each day. Consider asking someone to accompany you or your child.
Is my phone or social media posing any risks to me?
Be aware that Facebook and social media posts may give a perpetrator information about where you are.
Do not use passwords or PIN numbers that the perpetrator could easily guess, such as your birth date or phone number. If it is safe to do so, regularly change the passwords on your phone, social media, and banking accounts. However, be mindful that a perpetrator who had access to your account will likely realise you changed the password.
Consider blocking a perpetrator’s phone number and social media accounts to reduce unwanted contact.
Close this page after you have finished using it, and if possible, delete this page from your browsing history.
Can I make my home safer?
Consider if you can install sensor lights or cameras to alert you when someone is nearby. If you are not living with a perpetrator, consider if you can install or change locks and strengthen any weak areas of your home that would be easy to enter from.
You should never have to live in fear of violence. Support is available. Contact the organisations listed below for further information about your legal, safety and other options.
Seeking Justice: Navigating Cambodia’s Legal Process 
Watch this video to learn about Cambodia’s legal process. It shares information about what to expect and how to prepare for each step of the court process. The video also explains your rights, and answers questions about the suspect’s potential arrest and detention.
If you have faced domestic or sexual violence, the organisations below may be able to offer you further information or services. The information in this list is not exhaustive.
Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
Legal, medical and social support for women and children
Phone: 012 536 300 / 015 553 855
Further contact details: https://www.licadho-cambodia.org/contact.php
Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
Legal and social support for women and children
Phone: 086 792 666 / 097 616 2790
Further contact details: https://www.adhoccambodia.org/km/contact-us/
Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center (CWCC)
Legal support, safe shelter, counselling and other services for women and girls
Phone: 012 243 988 / 023 987 158 (Phnom Penh) /
087 909 020 (Banteay Meanchey) 063 963 276 (Siem Reap) / 062 210 515 (Kampong Thom)
Further contact details: http://cwcc.org.kh/contact/
Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC)
Sexual and reproductive health services for people who have experienced sexual and gender-based violence
Phone: 010 812 812 / 089 333 990 / 088 710 7107
Further contact details: https://www.rhac.org.kh/clinic#rhac-branch
Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE)
Legal support, counselling, and crisis intervention for children who have experienced sexual abuse and exploitation
Phone: 092 311 511 / 023 996 351 / 012 584 194
Further contact details: https://aplecambodia.org/en/contact-us-3/
Relevant Laws 
These Cambodian laws provide a range of rights, criminal charges and provisions related to domestic and sexual violence.
Criminal Code (2009)
The Criminal Code criminalises and establishes penalties for acts such as murder, violence, rape, indecent assault, sexual harassment, threats, and other crimes.
Khmer / English
Civil Code (2007)
The Civil Code outlines the rights, obligations and legal processes for marriage, divorce, child custody and support, and division of property.
Khmer / English
Code of Criminal Procedure of the Kingdom of Cambodia (2007)
This law outlines Cambodia’s criminal justice procedure, including a complainant’s rights to have a lawyer, request compensation, and a private trial hearing. It also establishes that police may be held accountable if they fail to fulfil their duties when there is evidence of violence.
Khmer / English
Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims (2005)
This law defines domestic violence, the authorities’ obligation to intervene in violence, processes for mediation and/or reconciliation, and procedures for obtaining protection orders and administrative decisions.
Khmer / English
Joint Prakas on Media Code of Conduct for Reporting on Violence Against Women (2017)
The code establishes guidelines for media coverage on violence against women, including that reporting should not disclose the identity or photographs of people who have experienced violence.
Khmer / English
Guidelines on the Procedure to be Applied to Juvenile Victims in Criminal Cases (2023)
The guidelines reiterate measures to protect children’s wellbeing throughout proceedings, including by reducing the number of interviews, their required travel, and exposure to the suspect, as well as promoting access to a lawyer and private trial hearings.
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