
Article | Land concession threatens Phnong livelihood and culture

19 July 2005

On August 9, 2004, the Cambodian government agreed to give land in Mondulkiri province to the Wuzhishan L.S. Group, a Cambodian-Chinese company, to operate a pine tree plantation. While Cambodia's Land Law restricts land concessions to a maximum of 10,000 hectares, the Cambodian government agreed in principle to give Wuzhishan Group a total of 199,999 hectares. It approved an immediate 10,000 hectares for testing and planting, with the remainder to be given later after further deliberations and discussions with Cambodia's foreign donors.

Statement | Position of the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations to the Senate Election Process

6 July 2005

The coalition of civil society organizations has noticed that the Senate and the National Assembly, who adopted the proposed law on election of members of the senate, plan to elect senators as a result of the votes of members of both the national assembly and commune council. The coalition of civil society organizations, however, strongly regrets that recommendations of the coalition, electoral stakeholders, and political parties are not included in the Senate Election Law.

Statement | End the Conflict in the Bar Association

5 July 2005

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 NGOs, is strongly disappointed by the decision made on June 30 by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court's prosecutor to condemn Mr. Suon Visal and his colleagues for "counterfeiting a seal and letterhead."

CHRAC believes that the accusations made by the prosecutor run counter to legal principles because they lack criminal action; the new stamp was made with majority support of the Bar Council and Mr. Suon Visal had informed all relevant authorities about this new stamp. He therefore did not commit any crime.

Statement | Indepentent Police Complaints Body Needed

29 June 2005

Cambodia should establish an independent body to receive and investigate complaints of torture and other abuses committed by police officers, according to LICADHO.

"Torture is all too common in Cambodia and it is time for meaningful action to prevent and punish this brutal practice," said Kek Galabru on June 26, the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. "Establishing an independent agency to investigate such abuses committed by the police is long overdue."

Statement | Land Concession for Pine Tree Planting to Wuzhishan Company and Complaints Lodged by Phnong Tribe Communities in Mondulkiri Province

22 June 2005

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 NGOs, is deeply concerned about the development plans of the Wuzhishan Company's land concession in Mondulkiri Province. As currently described, their plans will violate the historic land, customs, traditions, and daily life of Phnong tribe communities in seven communes. In particular, the company's intention to clear more than 10,000 hectares of land to plant pine trees represents an illegal action that seriously impacts the livelihood of the tribes in the communes of Dakdam and Sen Monorum of Oraing District.

Statement | Civil Society Calls On Government To Fulfill Its Agreement With UN And Contribute To Khmer Rouge Tribunal

3 June 2005

Civil society is deeply saddened to hear that the Government now claims it cannot contribute its $13.3 million share to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (KRT) three-year budget. It declares that it can only give $1.5 million leaving a short fall of $11.8 million. It is interesting to note that the $4.4 million per year required from the Government to run the KRT amounts to only 0.5% of the Annual National budget of $792 million. This seems like a ridiculously small price to pay for the possible achievement of justice and reconciliation for victims of the Khmer Rouge regime and for Cambodia as a whole.

Article | Working together to combat trafficking, exploitation and abuse of children

30 May 2005

A children’s art contest and a comedy stage show are among activities to be held by LICADHO on June 1 to mark International Children’s Day and highlight the need for greater action to protect the rights and improve the live’s of Cambodia’s children.

In celebrating International Children’s Day this year, LICADHO is promoting the theme of “Working Together to Combat Trafficking, Exploitation and Abuse of Children.” Day-long activities will be undertaken in Sihanoukville; Siem Reap; Chamkar Leu in Kompong Cham, Kien Svay and Muk Kampul in Kandal; Koh Kong; and Dangkao in Phnom Penh.

Presentation | Women's Rights Presentation 2005

26 May 2005

A slideshow presentation on the situation of women in Cambodia.

Statement | International Standards for the Extraordinary Chambers for Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea

26 April 2005

We welcome the Royal Government of Cambodia and the International Community’s determination to ensure the fairness, credibility, independence and impartiality of the Extraordinary Chambers (EC). In order to achieve this, CHRAC and other members of civil society have made multiple requests on the above topics, yet many of our questions remain unanswered. The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), ADHOC and LICADHO held a meeting and discussed these issues with members of civil society on 2 - 3 March 2005 and again reiterated these requests in a press release on 15 April. CHRAC respectfully requests again today, as the second training course for judges and prosecutors begins, that the Royal Cambodian Government (RGC) and International Community (including the United Nations), kindly respond to the concerns of civil society.

Statement | The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders Press Conference

26 April 2005

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) and the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) will hold a media conference in Phnom Penh on April 28, 2005, on the occasion of the publication by the Observatory of its worldwide 2004 Annual Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders.

Article | Thirtieth anniversary of the genocide in Cambodia

18 April 2005

On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the genocide in Cambodia, on 17 April 2005, FIDH and its two member organisations in Cambodia, ADHOC and LICADHO, make public recommendations concerning the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and the International Criminal Court.

The Cambodian people want the perpetrators of international crimes committed in their country between 1975 and 1979 to be tried. The Cambodian people have a right to truth and justice. The question is whether the KRT will be able to meet those expectations.

Statement | Appeal Court Verdict in Controversial Poipet Land Case Results in Death, Injuries

28 March 2005

The Cambodian Human Rights Actions Committee (CHRAC), a collation of 18 human rights NGOs, strongly condemns the means of enforcement of the Banteay Mean Chey Provincial Appeals Court’s decision in a controversial Poipet land case. Enforcement lead to violence against villagers that resulted in six deaths. As well, six others are seriously injured three, 3 people have disappeared, and 29 people were arrested and released the same day.

Article | Appeal court verdict in controversial Poipet land case results in death, injuries

23 March 2005

The Cambodian Human Rights Actions Committee (CHRAC), a collation of 18 human rights NGOs, strongly condemns the means of enforcement of the Banteay Mean Chey Provincial Appeals Court’s decision in a controversial Poipet land case. Enforcement lead to violence against villagers that resulted in six deaths. As well, six others are seriously injured, three people have disappeared, and 29 people were arrested and released the same day.

Article | International Women's Day celebrated with advocacy efforts to raise awareness on domestic violence and rape issues, as well as prison work

22 March 2005

In celebration of International Women's Day, LICADHO Women's Rights office conducted activities focusing on Women's Rights as Human Rights highlighting legal and social challenges in Phnom Penh and the provinces.

Statement | The Highlander Association is threatened to close

20 March 2005

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local NGOs working on human rights issues, expressed concern about reports that the Cambodian government is investigating and considering the closure of the Highlanders Association, an association of indigenous community people in Ratanakiri.

“We this is a threat to freedom of association, a fundamental right enshrined in the Cambodian constitution,” said Mr.Sok Sam Oeun, Chairman of CHRAC. “It’s disappointing to see pressure being put on a community-based organization, that advocates for indigenous minority rights.”

Article | Women, children face sex crimes crisis

10 March 2005

Cambodian women and children are facing a rising tide of sex crimes and urgent action is needed to stop abuse, a rights group warned on Monday.

Rape and indecent assault cases have risen steadily in recent years, and many of the victims are children, some as young as four years old, local human rights group Licadho said ahead of International Woman's Day on Tuesday.

Article | National Assembly strips parliamentary immunity from three opposition party members

10 February 2005

On February 3rd, the National Assembly stripped parliamentary immunity from three Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) Members of Parliament: Sam Rainsy, Chea Poch, and Cheam Channy. Rainsy and Poch fled the country, while Channy was arrested later that day by military police. He is currently being held in solitary confinement at Toul Sleng military prison. The arrest and detention are in breach of article 11 of the UNTAC law, which states that the military court only has jurisdiction over members of the military.

Statement | New Serious Attack Against Opposition Leaders

10 February 2005

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisations in Cambodia, ADHOC and LICADHO, express their deepest concern at the recent crackdown on main opposition leaders in Cambodia.

On February 3, the National Assembly of Cambodia lifted the parliamentary immunity of three MPs belonging to Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), the main opposition party, thereby allowing criminal suits against them.

Statement | The Concern Over Parliamentarian Arresting

7 February 2005

Civil Society Coalitions including COMFREL, CHRAC, YCC, NICFEC, Star Kampuchea, NGO Forum on Cambodia, and others such as CSD, CCHR, Open Forum of Cambodia, CLEC and Advocacy and Policy Program of Pact Cambodia strongly concern on the safety and the violation of parliamentary rights of H.E Cheam Channy regarding the arrest by the Military Court on Feb 04.

We note that the arrest is not based on a specific legal procedures and sufficient element of crime, the prosecutor immediately issued an order of arrest the MP just a few hours after his immunity was suspended. On the other hand, the case is not flagrante delicto that the arrest is instantly needed to be done.

Statement | Excessive Pre-Trial Detention Must Be Addressed

3 February 2005

LICADHO has found that roughly a third of Cambodia's prisoners are pre-trial detainees, of whom some are incarcerated months or years beyond the statutory limit of six months. Due to challenges to the judicial system, as well as problems with completing investigations within the pre-trial detention period, pre-trial detainees often remain incarcerated months and even years beyond the statutory limit. According to statistics gathered by LICADHO in the 18 prisons it monitors, the number of persons held in pre-trial detention beyond the statutory limit varies however, it has been as high as 225 (September, 2001) and as low as 70 (November, 2003).

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